Bott Radio Network Reaffirms 55 Year Commitment to Quality Bible Teaching and Christian Information Programming
BRN announces major new programs to air in Afternoon Drive-Time beginning Monday, April 17th.
(All times listed are Central Time)
5:00 pm PowerPoint, the powerful Bible Teaching ministry of Jack Graham, Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.
5:30 pm WallBuilders Live!, with David Barton, America’s favorite Christian historian. David Barton has his finger on the pulse of current events from a Biblical Worldview.
6:00 pm Living on the Edge, the dynamic teaching ministry of Chip Ingram, Pastor of Venture Christian Church in Los Gatos, California.
6:30 pm Moving Forward, featuring the excellent expositional Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Stephen Rummage, Pastor of Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida (Tampa area) and Chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee.
7:00 pm InTouch, the powerful teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia.
We are proud to present this powerful schedule of Biblical broadcast ministries to our Bott Radio Network listeners each weekday during afternoon drive-time.
We live in strategic times and we want to be very clear in our proclamation of the Gospel message, as we pray for a Great-Awakening style revival across America and around the world.
(The “Bible Answer Man” broadcast with Hank Hanegraaff has been removed from Bott Radio Network to accommodate this restructuring of our late afternoon drive-time schedule.)