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The Light of God’s Word in the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Finding Peace in an Anxious World

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Country by country, state by state, town by town, block by block—the world is experiencing a pandemic that just a few months ago was an obscure news headline. If you’re feeling some anxiety and struggling to find peace, it’s certainly understandable!

Any overwhelming crisis—worldwide or just at home—can paralyze us, or at least severely disrupt the peace in our souls, can’t it? But true peace is not dependent upon our circumstances. It’s dependent upon our relationship with the Prince of Peace, God Himself.

The Apostle Paul has much to say about peace in the fourth chapter of his letter to the church in Philippi. Paul experienced tumultuous trials, torture, social upheaval, betrayal, starvation, rejection and imprisonment. Yet he had learned the secret of living through periods of need and period of abundance.