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Sermons on Trusting God by Alistair Begg

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“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” —Proverbs 3:5 (ESV)

Proverbs 3:5 says we are to trust God with all our heart and in all circumstances. But do we… even in the difficult times? In these sermons, Alistair Begg reminds believers that our response should always be to put our faith in God, for He knows what’s best for us and can use even hard experiences for His glory and our good.

Stilling the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)

When a tempest broke on the Sea of Galilee, the disciples’ boat was swamped with water, their hearts flooded with fear. In their distress, they called to the Lord. Though Jesus was sleeping peacefully in the stern, He had compassion for His disciples’ doubts and questions, stilling the wind and the waves. Similarly, Alistair Begg teaches, though the Christian life will contain trouble, we too have access to the one who created the world, whose power can still any storm.

Three Songs of Faith (Psalms 123, 124, 125)

As pilgrims made their way up the path to Jerusalem, they raised songs to the Lord in worship. Studying three of these Psalms of Ascents, Alistair Begg reveals to us what they meant to travelers then—and what they can teach us today. Even if others ridicule our beliefs, we, like the pilgrims, can focus on the living Lord’s mercy instead of on the scoffers along the way. We can trust in His protection and our eternal security with Him.

Trusting God in the Dark (Psalm 13)

Everyone experiences disappointment or sadness to some degree. In Psalm 13, David demonstrated what it means to trust God in tough times. Feeling forgotten, forsaken, sorrowful, and subdued, David cried out for God’s consideration and illumination. As he prayed, his perspective changed, and he was able to rejoice—even though his circumstances remained the same. Alistair Begg teaches that when we face difficult times, we must resist self-pity, trusting that God knows what’s best for us and can use even our hard experiences for good.

Give Us Each Day… (Luke 11:3)

We can fail to trust God’s daily provision by becoming greedy and expecting more or by overworking to provide for ourselves. Throughout Scripture, however, He promises to give us “our daily bread.” In this sermon, Alistair Begg reminds us that our heavenly Father knows what’s best for us and is deeply concerned with our personal and practical needs. Because of this, we are able to work hard, live in security, and be content in God’s perfect providence.

Trusting in Tough Times (Psalm 13)

Seasons of sorrow are common, even for those who love and serve the Lord. As Alistair Begg reminds us, crying out honestly to God, just as Jesus did on the cross, is not sinful, but supported by biblical example. Psalm 13, for example, begins in pain—but by the end, the despairing psalmist is able to look beyond his circumstances and trust in God with a joyful heart. Through Christ, that same victory is available for all who feel forgotten.