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About Thru the Bible

On the program Thru The Bible, J. Vernon McGee takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years chapter by chapter through both the Old and New Testaments.

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Listen to Past Episodes of Thru the Bible

2 Peter 1:13-19

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you say to those you love? Would you have any advice or final thoughts that you’d want to share? Dr. McGee calls 2 Peter 1 the swan song of Simon Peter because it was written shortly before his execution and gives us great insight…


Faith is not a leap in the Dark.

The message of God’s judgment continues as Amos shares the charges against Philistia, Phoenicia, Edom, and Ammon.


How to Have Peace in Anxious Times [Free PDF Download]

It’s an epidemic that spans the globe and the generations and likely has invaded your home—and your heart, too. Call it “worry” or “anxiety,” most of us suffer at times through sleepless nights and anxious days with some worry on our mind that won’t go away. Sound familiar? Anxiety is a painful uneasiness that feeds…


COVID-19 Special Update

Dr. McGee is teaching us that right now in our study of 1 Peter. By God’s design, this book about “hope in suffering” was perfectly timed to minister to our Thru the Bible family during this stressful season brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. In compliance with the California governor’s mandate to stay at home,…