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The Light of God’s Word in the Coronavirus Pandemic

The powerful light of God’s word shines brightly in the challenging and chaotic times facing our country and the world. The Coronavirus pandemic is causing daily life and routines to change, but we have the peace, assurance and truth of God’s word. We also have the assurance of knowing that no matter how much our daily lives change, Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever! Bott Radio Network wants to help you in these challenging times with trusted resources from our Broadcast Ministries.

Message From the Speaker of The Lutheran Hour (week 1)

A special message from Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler. To learn more and view resources from Lutheran Hour Ministries, visit


How Christians Should Respond to the Pandemic

People are worried, people are uncertain, people are fearful. The nation is a state of emergency because of the coronavirus pandemic. But should Christians be fearful? Monday, on a special edition of A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses those concerns. Tune in for timely encouragement.


Facing Coronavirus

David Jeremiah’s new book directly responds to our current culture. It will equip you to fight fear, stand for what is right, and express God’s love to others.


The Power of Prayer to Deal With Coronavirus Anxiety

The 24/7 coverage of the coronavirus on cable news spreads even more quickly than the virus itself, leading many to wonder if we’re facing a plague of perhaps Biblical proportions. In almost real-time, the world is giving the tally of confirmed cases globally, as well as the casualties. And as 22 nations have closed schools, including in the U.S., the…


Wise Counsel for Troubled Times

Charting a course through the stormy, uncertain seas of our lives can be difficult. It’s impossible without a reliable compass, an accurate set of maps, and some sturdy examples of faith and courage. In this series, Chuck Swindoll introduces you to many of these courageous and stronghearted individuals. With each message, Chuck invites you to…