Knowledge Nuggets from Pat

God created many creatures, like the red eyed tree frog. Its green color camouflages it in the rainforest, but when threatened, its eyes and footpads turn bright red. By doing this, it startles its predators and has a split second to escape. “Please notice me, but don’t touch me.” Similarly, some people spend thousands of dollars getting tattoo wraps or bright fire engine red hair. It, too, seems like they are saying, “Please, notice me!”

Not every creature, or human, stands out. Do you ever miss identifying a company or nonprofit organization that wants to advertise? Have you ever been standing next to someone at a chamber event, who doesn’t talk and blends into the background? This is the person I introduce myself to by saying, “Hello, my name is Pat, and I’m from Bott Radio Network. What’s your name?” Once the ice is broken, I’ve found these people to be CEO’s of companies, spending $400,000 a year on advertising. Yet, no one was talking to them but me. They didn’t stand out, just like the red eyed tree frog camouflaging into the tree leaves.

For your next client, look for the red eyed tree frog hiding in the plain sight.

"The marketplace is the platform The Lord has given us to reflect His light."


I want to welcome you to the Bott Radio Network Sales Newsletter where we will highlight the tremendous talent found here at our network. I’ve been honored to serve alongside some of the most talented salespeople; all having a passion to honor God and serve their clients with excellence. The Sales Newsletter will consist of a message from our sales leader Pat, followed by a short devotional focused on encouraging you to take Biblical principles and live them out in the marketplace, and the final section will spotlight a Bott Radio Network salesperson. This question-and-answer section will allow the opportunity to get to know each other better. The full-length answers to these three questions and others are accessible in an audio link at the end of the newsletter.

During my first sales job I stumbled on AM 1090 Bott Radio Network. I was a new Christian, and I devoured the Bible teaching I was listening to between sales calls. I was feasting on all the Bible teaching radio and all the sales training material I could get my hands on. I was hungry and would have consumed anything that had to do with God. I was fortunate the Lord directed me to solid Bible teaching. I felt like I was mentored by our nation’s best pastors! I started noticing how much God’s Word had to say about my sales career. Much of the sales training I consumed was helpful, but I always felt it was missing something. I began to filter the sales training material through God’s Word - if it aligned, I kept it and if I didn’t, I dismissed it. Over the past thirty years I have read nearly fifty sales and development books, and have tried to retain the best material from each, intentionally being a student of the process. I began writing devotionals to help me apply the Scriptural principles that pertained to sales in my day to day. “Wisdom Based Selling” is the book I have been forever working to complete. My prayer is you’ll find the principles encouraging and you’ll be able to apply them in what you do. What I don’t want to do, is dump a bunch of information on you. I want to be a facilitator, highlighting the incredible talent we have at BRN because it’s true, iron sharpens iron. I truly believe that the marketplace is the platform the Lord has given us to reflect His Light and our priority is going about our business with excellence. I covet your input, please don’t hesitate to let me know how this newsletter can be more useful.

Our first spotlight is an interview with our Nebraska sales giant Tom Millett. I’ve learned a lot from Tom over the years and have always admired his success. In my short interview with Tom, I learned so much about him, his aspirations, and some terrific, practical sales tips. You’ll hear the first part of our interview in this Spotlight and the rest in the second edition Spotlight. I truly believe you’ll be educated, encouraged, and inspired by Tom.

Wisdom Based Selling Insights

Dale Gerke - Indiana Regional Manager

Check out who's in our
Thomas Millett
Chief Sales Officer / KLCV Radio
Tom Millett
Q: How does Tom Millett end up at Bott Radio Network?
A: I was working at a news talk station in Lincoln, driving east on O Street, flipping the radio dial when I heard Ken Monroe. I thought, this is new, this is not local radio. What is this? It stopped me in my tracks. After hearing Ken, I chased Rich Bott for about a year and to my understanding I may have been the first network-fed station manager in the early days. Bott Radio Network is very unique, we air the cream of the crop of national ministries. There’s competing brothers in Christ in the Christian radio industry, but there’s only ONE Bott Radio Network.

Q: What do you think is the single most important habit a sales professional needs to develop and practice to grow their local billing?
A: We have an excellent example in our sales pro, Pat Rulon, who leads by example. We all want to believe that the next big sale is right in front of us, but I think we understand you have to dig in the garden and let God put some opportunities in front of you. If you’re not faithful in that way, don’t expect sales to happen. You’re never going to find the right people if you’re not creating the right opportunities, so I think of ways to do that.

Q: What are the essential behaviors you have proven are important to growing your sales?
A: I think you must be resourceful and have initiative and probably a little courage. I’m interested in identifying the right opportunities. A simple Google search on key words will probably earn you some new clients. I try to have a premise for why I should connect, why we can bring value to somebody. You can put in a lot of investment just for incremental gains, but don’t give up.

Did You Know?

Tom Millett compares Bott Radio Networks best advertising prospect to what amazing creature?
Click on the link below to find out.