Knowledge Nuggets from Pat

Be praying constantly.
Be prepared.
Be positive.
Be part of the solution - even if the solution doesn't directly involve you, or align with your resources.

I had a client retract two potential sales just before they were to start. Despite the setback, I responded with unwavering positivity, assuring them of my commitment to their best interests.

During challenging times, embodying the qualities mentioned above will guide you through, and you will be okay.
Remember, amidst it all, God sees and cares about every detail of what you're facing.

Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Serving, The Most Potent Asset in Your Toolkit.

I stopped in the office of one of my long-time clients, he’s the owner of a car dealership. We were talking about all the normal things; along with politics, the craziness of this world, and what the future holds. This client is a close friend and fellow follower of Christ. In the early 2000’s, he purchased the Pontiac, GMC and Oldsmobile dealership from a guy who literally ran it into the ground. At the time of purchase, the dealership had a terrible reputation in the community. As we talked, my client said the first several years were hit or miss on the dealership being profitable. He decided to make a change and focus on a massive push to serve. He started by serving his employees, then his community, and of course, his customers. He felt if he could model service to his employees, they would, more than likely, serve each other and the community. Interestingly, just as the dealership started to turn a corner, GM discontinued the Oldsmobile brand. And to add more difficulty, because of the 2009 recession, the Pontiac brand also fell by the wayside. Due to no fault of their own, they lost two out of three of the brands they were selling; It didn’t look good for most dealerships, including theirs. But the servant’s heart of the owner and his employees literally saved the dealership. When so many dealerships were struggling, they were managing. The intentional, laser focus on servitude, planted the seeds for growth. Ironically, the Chevy dealership in that town went out of business; and because my client was ready, he was able to purchase the Chevy brand.

Through my sales training meetings, I have been so encouraged to hear the priority each of you place on serving. How blessed we are to know, Jesus set the example.

Mark 10:45 says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Ephesians 6:7-8 says, “Serve whole-heartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does….”

The great theologian Zig Ziglar once said, “You can get what you want in life if you are willing to help enough other people get what they want.” When you serve, it will come back to you. I’ll finish with a study I found in the book titled, The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon. The study states that the relationship with the sales rep has the biggest impact on customer satisfaction. Not the quality of the product, nor the service of the company; but you, the sales rep.

Listed below are the top seven attributes of service that buyers indicated had the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.
1. Rep offers unique and valuable perspectives on the market.
2. Rep helps me navigate alternatives.
3. Rep provides ongoing advice.
4. Rep helps me avoid land mines.
5. Rep educates me on new issues and outcomes.
6. Rep makes it easy to buy.
7. Rep makes sure there is widespread support from the organization.

If you notice, all the attributes are in the hands of the sales rep! What an incredible way to differentiate you from all the other media reps in your market. We serve the Lord by serving our clients.

Keep up the amazing work you’re doing, serving your clients, and serving the Lord!

Wisdom Based Selling Insights

Dale Gerke - Bott Radio Network, WFCV Fort Wayne

Check out who's in our
Linda Simmons
Account Executive - Springfield, MO.
Q: Who is your hero or someone you look up to, and what qualities in them inspire you?
A: I deeply admire my dad for various reasons. He's a hardworking individual with strong values and a devout love for God and our family. During my childhood, he consistently took us to church every Sunday, emphasizing the importance of faith and community. He is a skilled bricklayer who constructed some monuments at our church, showcasing his volunteer spirit. Moreover, my dad continues to be a wheat and cattle farmer, a profession fraught with uncertainty due to the unpredictable nature of the weather. Despite the constant risk of good or drought years, he perseveres with unwavering faith. He has always just done the work, trusting that God will provide.

Q: Sales can be difficult; how do you maintain a winning attitude?
A: I believe in trusting that God knows all my needs and will provide, as He always has and always will, as long as I continue to do my part. Naturally, being human, I face challenging days. In those moments, I try to seek solace through prayer, talking to a friend, or listening to uplifting Christian music for encouragement.

Q: What is a surprising fact about you that your colleagues at Bott Radio Network might not know yet?
A: Sometimes, I catch myself almost making the sign of the cross when we say our prayers at the beginning and end of meetings because I'm a life-long Catholic and love my Catholic faith. I appreciate the chance to work with my fellow Christians in a company that puts God first. I love that we can have unity and work together for God's greater glory.

Did You Know?

With an impressive 18-years in television news, Linda distinguished herself as an exceptional reporter, as evident in the short video montage below. In her final four years, the demands of the industry became more challenging, prompting her to seek new opportunities. The decisive moment for her departure came when she faced termination for her choice not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.