Knowledge Nuggets from Pat

Two weeks ago, I experienced a life-changing moment that brought me face to face with Isaiah 56:12.

"Come" each one cries, "let me get wine! (not me) Let us drink our fill of beer! (not me) And tomorrow will be like today, or even far better." (this is me).

I realized I had been living in a similar mindset.

I used to believe that my life would improve if I took control and made things happen. However, I was wrong. God is the one who orchestrates everything; my role is to pray. Despite my efforts to plan and shape my life, I now understand that it was merely a waste of time.

Two weeks ago, I faced a situation that almost required me to go home. This event prompted deep reflection. I questioned the financial well-being of my family, their spiritual journey - will they continue to move towards and follow Jesus everyday? And my obedience to God's commands, I recognized that I had not fulfilled His instructions.

In response, I've decided to surrender, listen, pray, read God's Word, and act in accordance with His will. We are all destined to die once, and the crucial question is about our eternal destination. If you or someone you know needs the hope of Jesus, I am eager and willing to talk.

I want to emphasize the importance of Jesus in our lives. A fulfilling life is crafted by Him; we just need to listen and obey. Ultimately, it all comes down to Jesus.

"Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil"

How COVID Helped Me Become More Productive

It all came to a head when I had my first bout with COVID. I have no idea why the virus decided to show up after avoiding me for four years, but it had finally infected me! There is never a good time to feel under the weather, but I was in the middle of trying to get unburied from a massive to-do list, and the sickness put me even farther behind. Although I felt awful, I picked up a book on productivity, The Twelve-Week Year, which spurred me on to another book, Organizing Tomorrow Today, and then finally I read, the Steven Covey classic, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I had been feeling like I was running in butter and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get on top of my ever-growing to-do list. I needed a reset and COVID was the very thing that got my attention to start making changes. I enjoyed all the books and the knowledge I gained, and I want to share four steps I started applying to my life, that helped me crawl out of the hole I was in.

1. Find your priorities
Be discerning to find out what is the very best for your goals. Philippians 1:10 says, "So that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ."
Identify goals for your roles. What would your roles in life need to look like for the Lord to say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Like it states in Matthew 25:23.
Prioritize your economic engine. Proverbs 24:27 states, "Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house."
Choose no more than three goals to accomplish, and then identify the most important activities you need to do to accomplish those goals.

2. Schedule your priorities
Ephesians 5:16 says, "Making the most of your time, because the days are evil." It's not just how much you can cram in your day and cross off your to-do list, it's making the most of your time and doing that which is the utmost priority. Remember the adage, we must never allow those things that matter least to get in the way of the things that matter most. To be most affective with your time, schedule your priorities weekly. Once you schedule for the week, you can then adjust daily. Every day by noon, schedule your three most important things you need to do for the next day. Don’t prioritize your schedule until you have scheduled your priorities.

3. Keep Score
You can only control your actions. Keep track of the actions you have scheduled for the week. You can't control if the prospect will buy, or if a prospect will set an appointment or even if a prospect says "no." You can only control your actions and your attitude. Know your Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and keep score on whether you complete your actions. Research shows that if you complete 85% of your scheduled actions for the week, you will exceed your goals. This gives great hope to B students like me.
(Reference Proverbs 27:23)

4. Meet with someone to share your priorities/goals
Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Proverbs 17:17 states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." In a 2005 Fast Company article, entitled "Change or Die," patients who were given a severe health diagnosis that required a lifestyle change, 90% of patients reverted to an unhealthy lifestyle in 12 months. However, there was a group where 80% of patients who attended a peer support group, were able to continue maintaining their new healthy lifestyle, compared to the 10% who tried to do it on their own. Finding someone to share your goals and score will help you to be successful. Spend just 15 minutes going over where you are, where you want to be and the progress you're making to get there.

Find your priorities/goals, schedule the priorities, keep score of your priorities, share your priorities and remember…
God will do His part.
You must do your part.
God won't do your part.
And you can't do His part.

Wisdom Based Selling Insights

Dale Gerke - Bott Radio Network, WFCV Fort Wayne

Check out who's in our
Nate Fajkus
Account Executive - Kirksville, MO.
Q: Sales can be difficult, how do you maintain a winning attitude?
A: Recognizing that it's all about being faithful in the little - making calls, sending emails, in-person visits - and trusting the Lord to take care of the results.

Q: Do you employ some sort of strategy or practice that helps sustain your positive attitude and mindset?
A: I try to keep my weekly prospecting goals in mind as I go throughout my day. My strategy is 100/5/1, which is 100 calls, 5 appointments or networking opportunities, and at least 1 sale.

Q: If you had the opportunity to meet one famous person, who would it be?
A: Obviously, the first person that comes to mind is Jesus, but I'd probably say the Apostle Paul. I just finished a Monday night Acts class and I'm blown away by the beating, stoning, shipwrecks, etc. that Paul endured to build the early church. Yet, when you read Paul's letters, he certainly wasn't bitter. He counted it all as loss, for the joy of knowing Christ.

Did You Know?

Nate and Larissa's journey began in high school where they became friends. They continued their friendship at Truman State University where they graduated together. The day after graduation, Nate respectfully sought Larissa's father's permission to date her. Fast forward, Nate and Larissa have been happily married for four years and have a two-year-old daughter named Rose, whose remarkable verbal skills continually captivate her parents.

Learn more about Nate, personally and professionally, by clicking the link below.