Featured Audio: Rich’s Interview with Jeff Mateer of Liberty Institute; Chiefs & Eagles Super Bowl Testimonies; “Love and Marriage”-Frank Sinatra; “What Is Valentine’s Day Really About”-CBN News; “How About Your Heart”-Carroll Roberson; “Sinner’s Prayer” – Franklin Graham; “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus”-Wintley Phipps
If you’ve experienced grief, Jesus said there’s a special blessing reserved just for you. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds light on that blessing, and on how God can turn sorrow into satisfaction. From the series: How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Whatever changes come during this new season and new year, they're unsustainable unless the Church becomes different. That means we'll have to walk in a new way, with new courage and new boldness. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our willingness to work and put in effort for the Kingdom of God. He brings up deceptive beliefs we may encounter, like tolerance and pride, and teaches biblical strategies to overcome them. What we choose as the foundation of our lives makes all the difference, and it’s time to recognize the tools God has given us so we can serve Him better and reach more people. Instead of prioritizing comfort and convenience, let’s decide to stand boldly and embrace the hard work of building God’s Kingdom.
Series: "Spiritual Gifts" - 1 Corinthians 14 / If you’re a new believer in Jesus, the “Gifts of the Spirit” may be something unfamiliar to you. Or, maybe you’ve followed the Lord for years but spiritual gifts are a somewhat foggy area of your faith. Crawford Loritts takes us to the book of 1 Corinthians to help us get a handle on these very special gifts. We’ll look more at the gifts of “Tongues” and “Prophecy. ”Donate to Moody Radio: http: //moodyradio. org/donateto/livingalegacy
Psalm 23 is one of the best known and best loved chapters in the Bible. In part one of He Owns Me, Pastor Colin talks about how its familiar words bring strength and hope.