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July 07, 2018

Mike Bergen: Prayer

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Treasures of Wisdom, Pt. 1

Would you like to have more knowledge and wisdom to better understand and achieve your purpose in life? Well, these answers aren’t hidden away or limited to some special group—these treasures of wisdom are freely available in Christ! So join us as we explore how to become spiritually mature on this episode of THE VERDICT with Pastor John Munro!

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Broadcast Episode


Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2

We will find God’s best for us when we’re prepared to make sacrifices. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses places in Scripture where people reject a breakthrough opportunity from the Lord. He walks us through the story of the rich young ruler as well as the man born blind to demonstrate where rejection can take place, what it can look like, and how to avoid it in our own lives. America is a nation of comfort and convenience, but a journey with God will require hard work, patience, sacrifice, and spiritual awareness. This new year, let’s align ourselves with what God is doing in His people.

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A Psalm of Hope (Pt. 1)

The theme of hope runs throughout the Bible. But when your supply is running dry and you need a place to soak up the hope you have in God, one passage stands apart. Dr. David Jeremiah takes you to Psalm 146 for a guided tour of the Scripture overflowing with reasons for hope. From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life

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Broadcast Episode


Lost and Found – What to do When Children Lose Their Faith: Stuart Scott

If your children lose faith, you don't have to! Author, Stuart Scott, gives advice to parents navigating these circumstances based on patience, prayer, and trust.

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Broadcast Episode


Hope in the Night 1-22-2025 Friendship

Returning caller Sharon is ready to complete a forgiveness timeline after discussing the timeline in a previous call. June leads Sharon in the forgiveness prayer.

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