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Broadcast Episode

May 11, 2019

Just Plain Fun

Families experience a closer connection when they laugh together. Keeping things light with Ted Cunningham, Dave Stone, and mother-son duo, Nelda and Tim Hawkins.

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Broadcast Episode


Enduring Love

In a busy society of consumerism it can be so easy to forget the love of God. We can quickly become unthankful Christians, confused, disheartened, and without motivation to press on. This is why it is so good for us remember and reflect upon the love of God, in ways that reinvigorate us spiritually. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice reminds us of the love of God.

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Broadcast Episode


Be Strong and Courageous  - The Power of 'The Path': Overcoming the Fear of Failure, Part 2

Are you tired of feeling inadequate or fearing that you might disappoint others? Join Chip in this inspiring program, where he will empower you to face your fear of failure head-on. Learn to release the unrealistic expectations weighing you down, and discover how to step into the vibrant and joy-filled life God has planned for you.

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Broadcast Episode


Singing in the Darkness

In Acts chapter 16, Paul and Silas find themselves in a challenging situation after freeing a slave girl from demon possession, disrupting the business of her owners who exploited her gift of fortune-telling. Angry, the owners incite a mob that leads to Paul and Silas being beaten and imprisoned. Despite their dire circumstances, they remain steadfast in their faith, praying and singing hymns while in jail. Their devotion not only moves their fellow prisoners but also leads to the miraculous release from chains and conversion of the jailer and his household. This narrative emphasizes the importance of unwavering faith and praise in the darkest of times, serving as a powerful reminder for believers facing adversity.

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Broadcast Episode


Satan's Academy Award | Part 2

In this message, Adrian Rogers describes the dangerous display of hypocrisy and calls us to the reality of knowing God.

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Broadcast Episode


Finding New Intimacy in Prayer - I

Prayer is essential to any believer's walk, but some Christians need to be more purposeful in their quiet times with God. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson speaks with Dr. Henry Blackaby and his son, Dr. Norman Blackaby, to discuss the significance of prayer. They talk with Dr. Dobson about their family's dedication to prayer, and give advice to people wanting to deepen their relationship with the Lord.

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