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Broadcast Episode

May 11, 2019

Just Plain Fun

Families experience a closer connection when they laugh together. Keeping things light with Ted Cunningham, Dave Stone, and mother-son duo, Nelda and Tim Hawkins.


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Broadcast Episode


Fleshing Out the Will of God, Part 2

The famous hall of faith in Hebrews 11 presents the lives of biblical characters who followed God’s will. Their faith led to action and obedience. Tune in to hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll discuss how Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham walked with God. They followed His plans, putting aside their own wishes. Learn how to release your desires and risk much to follow God. Leave the familiar and comfortable to radically obey God’s will with compelling faith.

Broadcast Episode


Winners Don’t Always Look Like Winners

Broadcast Episode


The Gospel Gives You the Spirit, Part 1

Many people are convinced that God’s grace brought them into the Christian life, and that it’s their works that keep them in. Pastor Colin talks about what the gospel actually says about finding and keeping favor with God.

Broadcast Episode


From Guilt to Grace to Glory

Continuing the Essential Gospel series, Pastor Jack Graham teaches from what many refer to as the core and essential passage in all the Bible Romans 3: 926. Pastor Graham teaches that in this guilt and in this grace and in this glory that is before us, this Gospel is for all who believe.

Broadcast Episode


Practicing The Word Of Truth - A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that when we only hear the Word of God, we make the fatal mistake of observing ourselves in the mirror, then walking away forgetting who we are by leaving our conscience, and our Christianity behind.

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