Featured Audio: Jim Daly calls on ABC to apologize for spreading life threatening misinformation; Donald Trump response to abortion question with ABC “moderator” and Harris objecting; Virginia Governor Northam allowing for the death of babies after birth; Jill Stanek testimony Interview; Gianna Jessen testimony (Abortion Survivor); Dr. Alveda King speaking up for life; “The Wichita Song”; Teacher Takes a Stand
Get inspired to bring glory to God regardless of your job title.
Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 14: 1-13 / In Romans chapter 14, Paul the Apostle clearly states that in Christ, we’re not bound by the legalistic patterns of behavior devised by the Scribes and Pharisees of his time. Nor are we to be bound by legalistic patterns foisted on believers today. We have freedoms in Christ, but those freedoms are to be enjoyed within the guidelines of Scripture and certainly with sensitivity to those who struggle with personal and spiritual battles. Are we aware of these guidelines?
Jesus said, Watch and pray so that you won’t fall into temptation. We understand why he said, pray, ’ but why did he say, watch’? Join Pastor Colin as he talks about seven seasons when we are especially vulnerable to temptation.
This weekend on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston explains why some teens run away and how parents can address these concerns. The post Teen Run-a-Ways: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.