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September 21, 2019

Complicated Grief

Contrary to popular belief, most grief is not processed in a neat little package of five steps. Ron Deal and Abigail Dodds each talk with Michelle Hill about processing different kinds of grief. They maintain that all kinds of grief should be processed--and not avoided--in order to pass through it in a God-honoring way.

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A Better Way to Look at God’s Will, Part 2

God’s not after our comfort. He desires to conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, which is often a lifelong task. Listen to Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s teaching through Job and Romans 8 to sharpen your theological thinking. As you face life’s unexpected circumstances, remember and trust that in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8: 28).

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Waiting on God's Timing, Part 1

Get an encouraging reminder that waiting on the Lord is a vital principle for every Christian.

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Freedom in Submission

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With Humility, Part 2

What will happen if you open the Bible with a truly humble heart? Pastor Colin tells the story of a theologian who spent 40 years filtering the Bible through his own worldview, before he had a change of heart.

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It's Too Good to Keep

The message of salvation believe on the Lord and you will be saved is a message that is too good to keep to ourselves! Pastor Jack Graham teaches that as believers, we should pray and ask God for a passion for people who do not' know the Lord. And then prepare ourselves to go anywhere and everywhere.

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