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Broadcast Episode

November 14, 2019

Lifted Hands

The Work of Our Hands

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Broadcast Episode


The Judgment to Come: A Journey Through Faith and Righteousness

The message focuses on the themes of judgment, righteousness, and self-control as discussed within the context of the biblical narrative of Acts. The speaker reflects on the fear and reluctance of figures like Felix to confront their spiritual state, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's sinful nature to fully appreciate the need for salvation through Jesus. The concept of judgment is explored in detail, with the assertion that while everyone will be judged, those who have faith in Christ will experience a judgment of rewards rather than condemnation. The message also underlines that believers are judged at the time of salvation, with Christ’s righteousness imputed to them, and their only "judgment" being related to rewards for their earthly faithfulness. The speaker urges listeners not to delay their decision for Christ, highlighting that the choice to accept salvation should not be postponed. This narrative serves as a reminder that the same spirit that empowered the early church continues to work today, encouraging the sharing of Jesus’ love and message.

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Broadcast Episode


Treasure Or Trash?

Ever heard the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? That might be true at yard sales—but it doesn’t work in the spiritual sense. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains why the ability to distinguish between treasure and trash is vital to both our physical and spiritual health.   To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv. org/donate.

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Broadcast Episode


Lasting Ever: Faith, Music, Family and Being Found By True Love - I

On today’s edition of Family Talk, Roger Marsh welcomes Grammy Award-winning artist Rebecca St. James and her husband, musician and producer, Cubbie Fink. They’ll share their remarkable story of God’s faithfulness through music, marriage, and raising a family.

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Broadcast Episode


Dating Tips for Today’s Singles

Today’s world of dating is very different from past generations! We’ll examine common challenges of dating today, like cohabitation and couples who won’t commit to marriage. Great advice for single adults.

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Broadcast Episode


“Happiness Is…”

How can you know deep, lasting happiness in a world full of suffering? That is an important question, and thankfully, if you’re a Christian, the Bible gives you the principles and encouragement you need to experience real happiness, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.

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