You probably know someone who was once strong in their faith, but lost hope. Maybe it was you. How does that happen, and can lost hope be regained? Dr. David Jeremiah tackles those questions head-on with captivating examples from God’s Word. How will your hope hold out when trouble comes along? From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life
On this episode of FamilyLife Today, hosts Dave and Ann Wilson join FamilyLife Blended podcast host Ron Deal for an inspiring conversation with Fred and Anita Von Cannon. The Von Cannons share their powerful story of overcoming family trauma, building a blended family, and the transformative role of the gospel in their marriage and parenting journey.
Previous caller Sharon would like to talk about forgiveness. She has worked on a forgiveness timeline recently.
Contrary to what you may have heard, following Jesus Christ does not guarantee an easy, happy life. The Bible clearly teaches that as we walk with Christ, we are to expect pain and suffering. But on this episode of THE VERDICT with Pastor John Munro, we’re learning the purpose and power of this suffering, as we continue exploring the book of Colossians.
God is inviting us to take the next small steps with Him. He is moving in the earth, preparing His people for breakthroughs. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the opportunities we can miss by rejecting an invitation from God. He pulls from the life of Apostle Paul to illustrate that breakthroughs are often incremental, and the path toward them frequently looks disruptive or intrusive to our own plans. Opposition to God’s movement is part of the journey, but accepting the assignments before us will lead to great blessings from our Lord.