In times of hopelessness and despair, you probably don’t feel like singing songs of praise to God. But that’s exactly when you should! Dr. David Jeremiah considers this paradox. Learn how the simple act of singing can bring about tremendous transformation. From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life
Overcoming marriage challenges is hard work. Preston and Jackie Hill Perry share how to overcome marriage conflicts with grace and effort.
In this message from Matthew 5, Adrian Rogers shares the principle, practice, and power of going the second mile in a self-centered world.
Some people think Paul invented the message of the Gospel. Other people think it was probably handed down to us by church tradition. Pastor Colin talks about where it actually came from.
In his message Til the Whole World Hears, Pastor Jack Graham studies the essence of the apostle Paul, whom he refers to as the greatest Christian who ever lived. Pastor Graham teaches that Paul was a man who was willing to march off the map to do whatever necessary to take the Gospel to the world.