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Broadcast Episode

December 28, 2019


What would happen if you made it your New Year's resolution to seek out ways to serve others? Vicki Courtney shares how one year, God dropped in her lap a challenging "resolve" to help refugees. She encourages listeners to consider what ways God might be leading them to be witnesses for the gospel.

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Broadcast Episode


With Humility, Part 2

What will happen if you open the Bible with a truly humble heart? Pastor Colin tells the story of a theologian who spent 40 years filtering the Bible through his own worldview, before he had a change of heart.

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Broadcast Episode


It's Too Good to Keep

The message of salvation believe on the Lord and you will be saved is a message that is too good to keep to ourselves! Pastor Jack Graham teaches that as believers, we should pray and ask God for a passion for people who do not' know the Lord. And then prepare ourselves to go anywhere and everywhere.

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Broadcast Episode


Six Dangers Of The Tongue - A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that one danger of the tongue is its size. It is small, and yet it can govern our lives. It is connected to who we are and what is in our hearts.

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Broadcast Episode


The Truth That Hurts And Heals – Part 2 of 2

When we’re addicted, we often can’t see the true extent of our bondage. We prefer the comfortable lie of believing we’re still free. In this message, Pastor Lutzer offers three steps on the path towards hope and freedom from addiction. Because we can’t get free; we must be set free.

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Broadcast Episode


Empowered for the Promise

The book of Acts isn’t just history—it’s a blueprint for our role in God’s unfolding plan. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans kicks off a powerful biblical series, exploring why this new era of grace is so vital.

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