In times of hopelessness and despair, you probably don’t feel like singing songs of praise to God. But that’s exactly when you should! Dr. David Jeremiah considers this paradox. Learn how the simple act of singing can bring about tremendous transformation. From the series: Hope--An Anchor for Life
Overcoming marriage challenges is hard work. Preston and Jackie Hill Perry share how to overcome marriage conflicts with grace and effort.
Many young married couples struggle to find a balance between their marriage and the relationship with their parents and friends! You’ll learn what leaving and cleaving really means, and how to make your spouse your top priority! More trusted advice for a healthy, happy marriage!
In Second Timothy, we read that “all Scripture is God-breathed. ” But the Bible isn’t the only religious text that claims to be divinely inspired. So what makes it different from all the others? Dr. Robert Jeffress provides compelling evidence for why we can trust the claims of Scripture. To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv. org/donate.
How should the church respond when one of its members is sinning? Some might say that it’s no one else’s business as long as no one else is affected . . . but what does the Bible say about confronting sin in the church?