Carol Jackson and Mike Arnold share about the 20-year work in Memphis to build stronger inter-city families through Families Matter Memphis. We’ll discuss their program “AFIRM” (A Father’s Involvement Really Matters) designed to empower, enhance, encourage, and support men through fatherhood coaching and parenting support as well career building and job placement. Dr. Samuel Williams, a client of this program, shares how “AFIRM” helped put him on the right track towards fathering his children.
"Therefore, behold, I will make them know, this once I will make them know my power and my might, and they shall know that my name is the Lord." - Jeremiah 16:21
We proclaim our love for Christ through our service to one another.
In a modern world where many marriages crumble under the weight of new passions or self-centered desires, let Christ’s church be the place where covenant love is fulfilled in sickness and in health.
Have you ever thought you were following God’s will only to arrive at a closed door? For many, closed doors can lead to disappointment or disillusionment. Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities. Accept closed doors with patience, humility, and peace. Trust in the Lord’s sovereign hand and ability to see the bigger picture. Walk through that open door with confidence.