Todd Starnes News & Commentary – Thu, Mar 26th, 2020 #1 » Audio Archive »

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March 26, 2020

Todd Starnes News & Commentary - Thu, Mar 26th, 2020 #1

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"Mercy" is His Name

It’s a good thing God doesn’t treat us as we deserve. Some think that they have earned God’s favor because of the good things they do. But that thinking causes us to miss the point of the Gospel. What we all really need is God’s mercy. And God delights in showing us mercy. Tune in to The Bible Study Hour this week to hear Dr. James Boice speak on the God whose name is Mercy.

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What Ecclesiastes Teaches Us About Life and Money

One book of the Bible reminds us that life is short and we should make the most of every moment. If you guessed Ecclesiastes, you’re right. This book emphasizes that our time here is fleeting, but what lies beyond is eternal. In this post, we’ll explore this profound truth and introduce a new FaithFi study on the book of Ecclesiastes—Wisdom Over Wealth: 12 Lessons from Ecclesiastes on Money. The Shortness of LifeImagine standing on the summit of Mount Everest, over 29, 000 feet above sea level. At that moment, you are higher than every other person on the planet. But as breathtaking as the view may be, you can’t stay there long. At 26, 000 feet, climbers enter the “death zone, ” where oxygen is too thin to sustain human life. Even the most well-trained mountaineers must rely on oxygen tanks just to survive the final push to the peak. And when they reach the top, they have just five minutes—300 precious seconds—before they must begin their descent or risk never making it back. How do you think a climber should spend those five minutes? Complaining about an aching ankle? Wishing they hadn’t endured the brutal climb? Or should they take in the view, praise God for the beauty of creation, and appreciate the rare opportunity they’ve been given? Five Minutes On The SummitEcclesiastes teaches us that life is like having five minutes on the summit. We’re here for a short time. Many have come before us, and many will come after. Some moments in life are filled with sunshine and calm, while others bring fierce storms. But regardless of our circumstances, we have one brief chance to live and no do-overs. The book of Ecclesiastes repeatedly urges us to embrace this reality. Solomon, the author, reminds us that all earthly pursuits—wealth, pleasure, status—are ultimately fleeting. But rather than making us despair, this truth should inspire us to live with gratitude and purpose. Facing the Reality of Death to Find Joy in LifeEcclesiastes does not shy away from the topic of death. In fact, it is mentioned in 11 out of its 12 chapters. Solomon writes: "Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them’… before the silver cord is snapped, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher is shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern, and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity. ” (Ecclesiastes 12: 1, 6-8)Why does Solomon want us to think about death? Not to depress us—but to help us truly live. When we remember that our time is short, we learn to treasure each moment. If I know I have to leave the summit soon, I’ll savor every second. If I know death is coming, I’ll be thankful to be alive. The closing chapters of Ecclesiastes paint a vivid picture of aging and decline. Our eyesight dims, our strength fades, and our bodies slow down. But instead of fearing this reality, we’re encouraged to embrace it—to use the time we have wisely and to find joy in the life God has given us. Live With Eternity In MindOur new FaithFi study, Wisdom Over Wealth: 12 Lessons from Ecclesiastes on Money, explores how these lessons apply to financial decisions. Solomon warns us that wealth, like life itself, is temporary. Money cannot ultimately satisfy, and hoarding riches without purpose is meaningless. Instead, Ecclesiastes teaches us to steward our finances with eternity in mind. That means: Trusting God over material wealthUsing money to bless othersEnjoying the good gifts God provides without making them our ultimate pursuitAs Moses wrote in Psalm 90: 12: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. ”You are standing on the summit of life. You have five minutes. How will you spend them? Will you focus on fleeting troubles, or will you fix your eyes on the One who holds eternity in His hands? Ecclesiastes calls us to live with purpose—to love God, love others, and make the most of every moment. When the expedition leader, God, taps us on the shoulder and says, “It’s time to go, ” may we be found faithful. We've only begun to explore the depth of this powerful new study, Wisdom Over Wealth: 12 Lessons from Ecclesiastes on Money, coming next month. Once it's available, you can find it at FaithFi. com/Shop. On Today’s Program, Rob Answers Listener Questions: I'm 73 and self-employed. Five years ago, I left my house for my daughter, who had thyroid cancer. The house could rent for $3, 000/month, but I'm not getting any of that. Is there a way I can get a tax deduction or deferment for this situation? My credit score has gradually decreased from around 780 to 720, even though I always pay my bills on time. I'm unsure why this is happening since I have a mortgage, and my housing payments are half my income. What could be causing my credit score to go down? I'm 58 on disability and only get $1, 300 a month. If something happened to my husband, I think I could get around $200, 000 after selling my house. What would be the best option for me in that situation since I don't have much in retirement savings? Resources Mentioned: Faithful Steward: FaithFi’s New Quarterly PublicationAnnualCreditReport. comMovement MortgageWisdom Over Wealth: 12 Lessons from Ecclesiastes on MoneyLook At The Sparrows: A 21-Day Devotional on Financial Fear and AnxietyRich Toward God: A Study on the Parable of the Rich FoolFind a Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA) or Certified Christian Financial Counselor (CertCFC)FaithFi App

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A Healthy Conscience: Paul's Defense and the Role of Conscience in Spiritual Life

Dive into a detailed exploration of Paul's defense before the Sanhedrin as he emphasizes the significance of having a clear conscience before God. Understand the crucial role conscience plays in guiding moral decisions and actions, and how its foundation on God's truth can be a significant source of confidence and strength. Delve into the biblical and secular perspectives on conscience, its internal mechanisms, and how it is inherently a part of human nature created in the image of God. Reflect on the different types of consciences described in the Bible and the importance of striving for a good conscience to live honorably. Engage with the historical journey of Paul as a bold advocate for Jesus Christ, facing tribulations and adversities, yet unwavering in his mission. The teaching focuses on a deeper relationship with Jesus and the boldness to share faith in an ever-challenging world.

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The Joy of Not Caring – Part 1

Whether you’re anxiously awaiting medical results or trying to resolve a family conflict or wondering how you’re going to pay the bills, there’s no shortage of things to worry about. Dr. Robert Jeffress explains that while we can’t prevent hardships from happening, we can change the way we think about them.   To support Pathway to Victory, go to ptv. org/donate.

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Up Close and Personal with Zig Ziglar - I

An incredibly wise man once taught that true success means having balance across all areas of life. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson and the late Zig Ziglar have an intimate conversation about faith, family, and perseverance. Zig shares how his mother’s wisdom and unwavering Christian faith shaped his journey to becoming America’s premier motivator.

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