Give Me This Mountain! | Sunday Message
Pastor Greg Laurie delivers a message on spiritual growth from Joshua 14. He reminds us of Caleb, a man who started and ended his spiritual race well! “What has been the greatest surprise of your life?” said Billy Graham. “The brevity of it.” Philippians 3:13–14 Keep moving forward spiritually—the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.” Psalm 16:6 It doesn’t matter if we’ve held first for the first laps; we must finish! Acts 20:24 Caleb started and finished well, never losing his spiritual edge! We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We are to pray that both Palestinians and Jews will come to Christ. Joshua 14:11–12 Where did Caleb get this strength, stamina, and longevity? Read: Joshua 14:7–8 We must wholeheartedly follow the Lord (six times in the Bible we learn that Caleb wholeheartedly followed). The majority group did not see God for who He is, only problems. The minority group (Joshua and Caleb) saw God for who He is, and also saw the obstacles and challenges, but they also saw