What to Do When the Odds Are Against You | Sunday Message » Audio Archive » A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Christian talk radio with Greg Laurie


Broadcast Episode

November 12, 2023

What to Do When the Odds Are Against You | Sunday Message

We have to remember that God's perspective is different than our own. As Pastor Greg Laurie says, where we see weakness, God sees potential. Where we see the past, He sees the future. We see a lump of clay, He sees a beautiful sculpture. “In those days, Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.” Judges 17:6 Israel was living in despair, but they finally called out to God to deliver them, and He did. Jeremiah 33:3 Read: Judges 6:12–14 “Why has all of this happened to us? And where are all the miracles we heard about in days gone by?” So, he said to Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel?” Judges 6:15 God uses people who are humble. We see weakness, but God sees potential. We see a lump of clay, but God sees a beautiful sculpture. We see a lump of coal, but God sees a sparkling diamond. If you want to be used by God, be faithful in the little things. Judges 6:27 The hardest people to reach will always be your own family. As Jesus said, “A prophet is not without

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About A New Beginning

A New Beginning is the daily, half-hour radio program featuring pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie. Greg is senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and Irvine, California. With some 15,000 members and multiple campuses, Harvest has become one of the largest churches in America. Greg teaches God's Word in understandable, practical and sometimes humorous ways--equipping listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. Since 1990 Harvest has hosted large-scale evangelistic events throughout the United States called Harvest Crusades. More than 5 million people have attended these life-changing crusades.

A New Beginning is the daily, half-hour radio program featuring pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie. Greg is senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and Irvine, California. With some 15,000 members and multiple campuses, Harvest has become one of the largest churches in America. Greg teaches God's Word in understandable, practical and sometimes humorous ways--equipping listeners with the necessary tools to live out their faith. Since 1990 Harvest has hosted large-scale evangelistic events throughout the United States called Harvest Crusades. More than 5 million people have attended these life-changing crusades.

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Broadcast Episode


Rebuilding the Ruins of Your Life | Sunday Message

Nehemiah was someone who saw need and did something about it. We should be the same way. Notes: Focus verse - Nehemiah 2   #1 We need to help God’s people when they are hurting. 1 Corinthians 12: 26 The church is a family. Scripture says the church is the body of Christ. #2  There is a time to pray then there is a time to move.   #3 Nehemiah had a plan.   Read Nehemiah 2: 7–8   Nehemiah was dependent upon God, and he continued to pray.   It is important to understand how the spiritual and the practical work together.   When the time for intercession has passed, The time for intervention has come.   Read Nehemiah 2: 11   The Hebrew word for view means to closely examine.   #4 When we are doing the will of God we will face opposition. Nehemiah 2: 19   Whenever you are pursuing a divine opportunity there will be opposition. 1 Corinthians 16: 9   Nehemiah 2: 19   Our primary enemies are the world, the flesh, and the devil.   The world is the external enemy. The flesh is the internal enemy. The devil is the infernal enemy.   “Resist the devil and he will flee from you. ” James 4: 7   Read Nehemiah 3: 1–4   #5 We need to find our place in the work that God is doing.   Every one of us has a vital part to play. Ephesians 4: 16    Faith in God and love for fellow Christians are the evidence of your faith. Ephesians 1: 15–16   Let every one of us volunteer and serve. 1 Peter 4: 10   Let every one of us give an offering, 2 Corinthians 9: 7   Nehemiah 3: 5 There are two kinds of people that come to church: Participators and spectators.    #6 The problem with faith breakers is they want to discourage faith makers. Nehemiah 2: 19   Nehemiah 3: 20   The word zealously means to burn or to glow.   Baruch did not just build the wall, he did it with passion.   Jesus left the glory of heaven and came to this earth. --- Learn more about Greg Laurie and Harvest Ministries at harvest. org. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners. Support the show: https: //harvest. org/supportSee omnystudio. com/listener for privacy information.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 17

The Desert Song | Memorizing What Matters

One of the great tools to memorization is repetition. If we hear something over and over, we can’t help but remember. We didn’t intend to memorize the words to that TV theme, or that corny commercial, but they’re stuck in our heads. Why? Repetition. The real question is, what do we let our minds hear over and over. But the fact you’re listening now is a great step forward. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie brings some scriptural truth worth remembering.

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Thursday, January 16

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, January 16

The Desert Song | Choosing Lasting Joy

Smart grocery shoppers pay attention to expiration dates. You may see a dozen cartons of milk on the shelf . . . but a careful look shows that the expiration dates on some cartons are much further into the future. But sometimes we don’t think carefully about the other things of life that may affect us. Those things that bring quick enjoyment, often bring long-lasting disappointment. Coming up today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us focus on the things above. It’s a study of Moses.

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