#112-We Are Strangers Before Friends » Audio Archive » Alive and Active

Alive and Active

Christian talk radio with Ron Brown and Mike Bliss


Broadcast Episode

December 15, 2024

#112-We Are Strangers Before Friends

Another fundamental of the faith is the fact that we must be intentional about our relationships. We must be aware of the opportunities that the Lord will give us and we should anticipate being ready to show hospitality to strangers.

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About Alive and Active

Each week on Alive and Active, Ron Brown and Mike Bliss dive into Scripture with real life discussion and life applications of Biblical precepts for men today. Ron Brown is a thirty-two year veteran college football coach. He is well known in Nebraska for leading and challenging men to live all out for Jesus Christ. Co-host Mike Bliss has ministered to Nebraska men with Ron Brown for years. The Alive and Active radio program is a result of Ron and Mike’s desire to reach the state of Nebraska for the Gospel challenging men to “get off the bench and into the game for Jesus Christ!”

Each week on Alive and Active, Ron Brown and Mike Bliss dive into Scripture with real life discussion and life applications of Biblical precepts for men today. Ron Brown is a thirty-two year veteran college football coach. He is well known in Nebraska for leading and challenging men to live all out for Jesus Christ. Co-host Mike Bliss has ministered to Nebraska men with Ron Brown for years. The Alive and Active radio program is a result of Ron and Mike’s desire to reach the state of Nebraska for the Gospel challenging men to “get off the bench and into the game for Jesus Christ!”

More from Alive and Active

Broadcast Episode

Thursday, January 30

#118-Who is Really in Prison?

People who are in prison for their faith in Christ are actually freer than those in the world who are afraid to share what they believe. Freedom starts when we admit that we are a slave to our sin. A truly free man is moved by knowing that Jesus paid for our sin. God's word gives us courage because it actually exposes our fears.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, January 26

#117-Pleasing Aroma

2 Corinthians 2 tells us to spread the fragrance of Jesus everywhere we go. 1st John 1 tells us to confess our sins and when we do that God forgives us of our sins and cleanses us of all unrighteousness. Living for Christ means repenting of our sins, embracing Jesus and spreading the fragrance of Christ to others.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, January 16

#116-How Tough Was That

The Bible is full of people like Joseph and Paul who endured difficulty, suffering and isolation. They could have been crushed but they were strengthened by God and their toughness came from a continual relationship with the Lord. We look to Jesus Christ as our perfect example of how to be tough despite the circumstances.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, January 9

#116-How Tough Do You Want to Be?

Steve Prefontaine was a world-class runner who beat other runners with his incredible toughness. As Christians we are being beat down by the world and taking blow after blow for the sake of Christ. We are called to die daily and to be conformed into the image of Christ. We should grow in our toughness and allow trials to shape us.

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Broadcast Episode

January 2

#115-When I'm Weak Then I'm Strong

The apostle Paul had a thorn in his side and he knew that Jesus's power works best in his weakness. The Holy Spirit helps train and strengthen our spiritual muscles through the trials we face. We must count the cost of following Christ and allow Him to turn our friction into traction.

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