Power to be Different – False Gods and A Different Gospel – Part 1 » Audio Archive » Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson Ministries

Christian talk radio with Allen Jackson


Broadcast Episode

April 19, 2023

Power to be Different - False Gods and A Different Gospel - Part 1

False gospels are flourishing around us, creating confusion amongst many who fill churches. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson identifies several errant thoughts and philosophies within our culture and how they move our focus away from Jesus. We need to remember the fundamentals of our faith so we aren’t deceived. Jesus died on a cross to deliver us from our lost and broken condition into eternal life—and that good news is worth sharing with the world.

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About Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

More from Allen Jackson Ministries

Broadcast Episode


Breakthroughs Declined - Part 2

We will find God’s best for us when we’re prepared to make sacrifices. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses places in Scripture where people reject a breakthrough opportunity from the Lord. He walks us through the story of the rich young ruler as well as the man born blind to demonstrate where rejection can take place, what it can look like, and how to avoid it in our own lives. America is a nation of comfort and convenience, but a journey with God will require hard work, patience, sacrifice, and spiritual awareness. This new year, let’s align ourselves with what God is doing in His people.

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Broadcast Episode


Breakthroughs Declined - Part 1

We will find God’s best for us when we’re prepared to make sacrifices. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses places in Scripture where people reject a breakthrough opportunity from the Lord. He walks us through the story of the rich young ruler as well as the man born blind to demonstrate where rejection can take place, what it can look like, and how to avoid it in our own lives. America is a nation of comfort and convenience, but a journey with God will require hard work, patience, sacrifice, and spiritual awareness. This new year, let’s align ourselves with what God is doing in His people.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 21

Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 2

God is inviting us to take the next small steps with Him. He is moving in the earth, preparing His people for breakthroughs. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the opportunities we can miss by rejecting an invitation from God. He pulls from the life of Apostle Paul to illustrate that breakthroughs are often incremental, and the path toward them frequently looks disruptive or intrusive to our own plans. Opposition to God’s movement is part of the journey, but accepting the assignments before us will lead to great blessings from our Lord.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, January 20

Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1

God is inviting us to take the next small steps with Him. He is moving in the earth, preparing His people for breakthroughs. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the opportunities we can miss by rejecting an invitation from God. He pulls from the life of Apostle Paul to illustrate that breakthroughs are often incremental, and the path toward them frequently looks disruptive or intrusive to our own plans. Opposition to God’s movement is part of the journey, but accepting the assignments before us will lead to great blessings from our Lord.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, January 19

God’s Provision Is Necessary

To flourish in the time ahead, we need to understand God’s promises in a personal way. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how following Jesus brings God’s blessings into our lives—if we choose to believe and not doubt. We can call on God’s Spirit to help us. We can experience God’s peace in any circumstance. We can ask God for His supernatural wisdom. He will provide for all our needs. He promises all of this to us—and more—when we choose to follow Him with our whole hearts.

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