Step Out of the Crowd – Heart Disease » Audio Archive » Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson Ministries

Christian talk radio with Allen Jackson


Broadcast Episode

November 05, 2023

Step Out of the Crowd - Heart Disease

To maintain our spiritual health, we have to protect ourselves from heart disease. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses practical ways we can guard our hearts. Temptation, deception, distraction, and pride constantly threaten to move us away from God’s best plans for our lives. Pastor Allen helps build our awareness of these traps, so we can intentionally avoid them and align ourselves with the Holy Spirit. He offers several practices that can help us be free from “heart disease,” including forgiveness.

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About Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

More from Allen Jackson Ministries

Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 7

The Church - Expressions of God's Power and Authority

The Church is an expression of God’s power and authority in the earth, and in this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson reminds us of our important role in our generation. Many of us inherited denominations, traditions, and Christian practices from our parents, but God is calling us to something more. As we earnestly pursue holiness and righteousness, He is building a different kind of church—one full of faithful Christ-followers who have been so transformed by their faith, they take His Kingdom everywhere they go. Pastor Allen offers practical insight on what this looks like in our daily lives.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 6

Stormproof Foundations - The Power of Repentance - Part 2

God wants more for us than to simply avoid sin—He wants us to lead a life by faith. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses repentance. The American Church’s attitude toward repenting has been pretty casual for a while now, but what approach does the Bible tell us to take? Pastor Allen draws from the New Testament and the books of the prophets to teach about what repentance means, what it should look like, and why it’s important. We want to grow in our faith, and the first step toward that is true repentance.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 5

Stormproof Foundations - The Power of Repentance - Part 1

God wants more for us than to simply avoid sin—He wants us to lead a life by faith. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses repentance. The American Church’s attitude toward repenting has been pretty casual for a while now, but what approach does the Bible tell us to take? Pastor Allen draws from the New Testament and the books of the prophets to teach about what repentance means, what it should look like, and why it’s important. We want to grow in our faith, and the first step toward that is true repentance.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 4

How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness - Interview with Dr. Alveda King - Part 2

“That’s how you overcome,” Dr. Alveda King said. “It starts with having a relationship with God.” Join Pastor Allen Jackson for an interview with Dr. King, an activist, author, and experienced ambassador for the Kingdom of God. A niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Dr. King shares her invaluable insight into topics like forgiveness, hope, and overcoming envy and hatred. She and Pastor Allen discuss how the American Church should approach this new political season, as well as how we can foster better relationships with God and with one another. We want our generation’s legacy to be one of sacrifice, so that liberty and freedom in the name of Jesus can be extended for the generations who follow us. 

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Monday, February 3

Spiritual Warfare in the Workplace [Featuring Pastor John Amanchukwu Sr.]

In a world where pastors present DEI as a biblical idea and students are taught to despise America, Pastor John Amanchukwu delivers sound, biblical truth that’s full of common sense. A bold and passionate advocate for children, families, and truth, Amanchukwu frequently stands up to school boards that allow pornographic books in their libraries. On this podcast, he visits with Pastor Allen to talk about the value of work, the importance of each person’s calling, our responsibility to protect the children, and how God led him to his current path.

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