Breakthrough… Looting Interrupted – Part 2 » Audio Archive » Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson Ministries

Christian talk radio with Allen Jackson


Broadcast Episode

December 31, 2024

Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted - Part 2

God has intervened, and our country has a choice to make. If we change and align our hearts more fully with Him, we’ll experience new freedom—but if we continue in our current patterns, we’re giving momentum to destruction. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what breakthrough looks like on a national level. By examining the history of Israel and Judah in the books of 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Judges, we see the impact of God’s judgment on His disobedient people: He allowed looting by their enemies and exile from their homeland. Pastor Allen argues that America is experiencing something similar, and the consequences are reflected in our nation’s cultural trends and current events. However, if we humble ourselves and repent, God’s grace is abundant.

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About Allen Jackson Ministries

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

Allen Jackson is passionate about helping people become Christ-followers who respond to God’s invitations for their life. He has served World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as senior pastor since 1989. Under his leadership, the fellowship has grown to a congregation of over 15,000. Through Allen Jackson Ministries, his messages reach people across the globe — through television, radio, Sirius XM, and online streaming. His teachings are also available in published books and other resources, including small group curriculum. Jackson holds degrees from Oral Roberts University and Vanderbilt University and has studied at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Pastor Jackson’s wife, Kathy, is an active participant in ministry at World Outreach Church.

More from Allen Jackson Ministries

Broadcast Episode


Breakthroughs Rejected - Part 1

God is inviting us to take the next small steps with Him. He is moving in the earth, preparing His people for breakthroughs. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the opportunities we can miss by rejecting an invitation from God. He pulls from the life of Apostle Paul to illustrate that breakthroughs are often incremental, and the path toward them frequently looks disruptive or intrusive to our own plans. Opposition to God’s movement is part of the journey, but accepting the assignments before us will lead to great blessings from our Lord.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, January 19

God’s Provision Is Necessary

To flourish in the time ahead, we need to understand God’s promises in a personal way. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how following Jesus brings God’s blessings into our lives—if we choose to believe and not doubt. We can call on God’s Spirit to help us. We can experience God’s peace in any circumstance. We can ask God for His supernatural wisdom. He will provide for all our needs. He promises all of this to us—and more—when we choose to follow Him with our whole hearts.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, January 18

God's Provision for Your Life

Everything we need for life and godliness has been provided for us through God’s promises. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson encourages us to focus on following God, trusting in His promises and His provision as we work to extend His Kingdom. Our stability doesn’t come from appeasing our culture—it comes from yielding our lives to God, His Truth, His plans, and His purposes for our lives. Pastor Allen also talks about how to address thoughts and behaviors that torment us, so we can experience God’s peace in any situation.

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Friday, January 17

Learning to Live After Loss [Featuring Granger Smith]

**Podcast Description 1:** Sometimes life puts us in situations where there seems to be no hope and no way out. That's where Granger Smith found himself after the death of his 3-year-old son. He struggled to process his pain and guilt, feeling responsible for what happened. As life grew darker and more hopeless, God intervened. Watch this episode to discover how the Lord helped this country singer and his family find healing, peace, joy, and purpose amid their great loss and grief. **Podcast Description 2:** It’s up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 17

My Friend Jesus! - The Responsibility of Friendship

Friendship with the King is not about calling in favors or enjoying a privileged status—it’s about learning to honor the Lord. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses different levels of friendship, and how they may describe our relationship with Jesus. God has unique assignments for His people—both the Jewish people and the Church—and we have a responsibility to obey and follow Him to accomplish His purposes. Pastor Allen invites us to a deeper friendship with Jesus, intentionally choosing to serve Him and be His advocates, everywhere we go.

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