The Man Who Came by Night » Audio Archive » Bible Study Hour

Bible Study Hour

Christian talk radio with James Montgomery Boice


Broadcast Episode

September 11, 2023

The Man Who Came by Night

The Gospel of John, says Dr. Boice, is "a powerful source of instruction and comfort to many millions of God's people down through the ages of church history." This message on the Gospel of John is an insightful study and devotional guide. Dr. Boice explores the coming of Jesus Christ and discusses the initial reaction some people had toward him.

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About Bible Study Hour

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

More from Bible Study Hour

Broadcast Episode


Our wonderful Mediator

How can you be sure that you are saved? It’s not on the strength of our feelings, they change all the time. It’s not based on our good behavior, because it’s not always so good. If it doesn’t depend on us, what does it depend on? Tune in this week to The Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice teaches us about what the Bible says concerning our relationship with God.

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Broadcast Episode


Our Perfect Salvation

We’re all very good at justifying ourselves. If we act in anger, we blame it on a headache or something that happened earlier in the day. We can easily come up with some way to shift the blame from ourselves to something or even someone else. Sometimes we are successful in convincing others that we are right. But the question is what does God think of that? How can we convince him? Tune in this week to The Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice reminds us that God is the only Justifier.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 21

Enduring Love

In a busy society of consumerism it can be so easy to forget the love of God. We can quickly become unthankful Christians, confused, disheartened, and without motivation to press on. This is why it is so good for us remember and reflect upon the love of God, in ways that reinvigorate us spiritually. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice reminds us of the love of God.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, January 20

Five Unanswerable Questions

The love of God is the foundation of faith. Because Christians can know the love of God, we can know that it will never be shaken, weaken or change. The love of God is the strongest, firm, unbending, substantial, constant, most dependable thing in the universe. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice teaches on the love of God.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, January 19

Walking in the Truth

While 2nd and 3rd John are the shortest books in the New Testament, these two letters introduce us to such distinctively Christian ideas that the letters themselves have great significance. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he discusses the epistles and how they relate to the body of modern believers.

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