The Riot in Ephesus » Audio Archive » Bible Study Hour

Bible Study Hour

Christian talk radio with James Montgomery Boice


Broadcast Episode

October 15, 2023

The Riot in Ephesus

As Paul’s work progressed in Ephesus and his preaching won converts to the faith, another dynamic was at play. The inevitable opposition that followed the movement began to rear its ugly head as the livelihoods and way of life of the Ephesians were threatened. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he examines a riot that menaced the foundling faith.

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About Bible Study Hour

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

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Broadcast Episode


"Mercy" is His Name

It’s a good thing God doesn’t treat us as we deserve. Some think that they have earned God’s favor because of the good things they do. But that thinking causes us to miss the point of the Gospel. What we all really need is God’s mercy. And God delights in showing us mercy. Tune in to The Bible Study Hour this week to hear Dr. James Boice speak on the God whose name is Mercy.

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Broadcast Episode


In Command

No time is wasted from the time of Joshua’s commissioning, to the time he assumes command and prepares for the invasion of the Promised Land. From a human standpoint he had much to fear, yet the Lord warned against such fear with the command to not be terrified, but to be strong and courageous. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he reveals the secret to Joshua’s complete trust in the face of overwhelming odds in a strange and hostile land.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 7

But is God Just

Is God Just? How often have you asked that question? When faced with the realities of life, the answer that often comes screaming back at us is No! But Scripture points to another answer, one that deals with the problems of our personal lives as well as the world as a whole. Tune in to The Bible Study Hour this week as Dr. James Boice tackles the difficult question of whether or not God is just.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 6

Double Predestination

God’s Word has some extremely difficult teachings. We can’t overlook them, though, just because we don’t like them. What does election and reprobation mean? How can a loving God choose some and not others? Dr. James Boice will be giving us solid biblical insight to help us answer these hard questions. Join us this week on The Bible Study Hour as we explore the doctrines of election and reprobation.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 5

Three Generations of Election

When Jesus chose the disciples, he only chose twelve. I bet there would be thousands of people who would have benefited from that three-year discipleship with Jesus, but he didn’t choose all of them. It is undeniable that God passes over some and chooses others. Join us this week on the Bible Study Hour to hear a biblically-grounded message on this difficult topic.

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