Five Unanswerable Questions » Audio Archive » Bible Study Hour

Bible Study Hour

Christian talk radio with James Montgomery Boice


Broadcast Episode

Monday, January 20

Five Unanswerable Questions

The love of God is the foundation of faith. Because Christians can know the love of God, we can know that it will never be shaken, weaken or change. The love of God is the strongest, firm, unbending, substantial, constant, most dependable thing in the universe. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice teaches on the love of God.

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About Bible Study Hour

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

A nationwide radio program preparing you to think and act biblically featuring the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, former Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA. This half-hour long program broadcasts Sundays.

More from Bible Study Hour

Broadcast Episode


Rahab Contra Mundum

As the Israelites advanced on Jericho, it was Rahab contra mundumRahab against the world, standing against her culture, her city, and her people. Join Dr. James Boice next time on The Bible Study Hour as he reveals what made this woman of questionable character betray all she knew in order to seek salvation from the God of Israel.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

The Patience of God

Have you ever lost your patience waiting in line at the store or while stuck in traffic? If we’re honest, most of us are pretty quick to anger. But if anyone has reason for anger and impatience, God certainly has. Yet He constantly shows us great patience and mercy. Tune in this week to hear Dr. James Boice talk about God’s great love for us, on The Bible Study Hour.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

The Potter and the Clay

Do you ever find yourself fighting against something, not because it’s wrong, but because you didn’t get to make the rules? The Bible teaches us that God is the potter and we are the clay. Our tendency is to fight against Him simply because He made us and we’re not in charge. If you’re ready to explore the way God says we should respond to Him, tune in this week to The Bible Study Hour with Dr. James Boice.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

God's Power Displayed in Judgement

Why do we evangelize? Of course, we want others to come to know the saving work of Jesus Christ. But what if they don’t? Does evangelism serve more than one purpose? Tune in this week to The Bible Study Hour as we hear Dr. James Boice teach on the nature and purpose of evangelism.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Salvation is of the Lord

What comes first our desire to know God or God calling us to know Him? That may sound like a spiritualized version of the classic chicken and egg syndrome. But it’s not. To learn the answer, tune in this week to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice teach from Romans 9. We’ll be considering the subject of salvation comes from, and who should take the credit for it.

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