Jonathan White Part 2 » Audio Archive » Choose Life Radio

Choose Life Radio

Christian talk radio with Jill Taylor


Broadcast Episode

February 01, 2024

Jonathan White Part 2

Frequently, Jonathan quotes Genesis 18: 14, "Is anything too hard for our LORD?" when autographing copies of his first book. It's both a nod to his own "miracle" pregnancy for him and his wife. And, it's also a statement of faith for every believer's future.

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About Choose Life Radio

Choose Life Radio is hosted by Jill Taylor. Her commitment to Christ and passion for life issues led her to found the Choose Life Radio Network. The half-hour weekly radio broadcast features interviews with persons known for their strong commitment to life.

Choose Life Radio is hosted by Jill Taylor. Her commitment to Christ and passion for life issues led her to found the Choose Life Radio Network. The half-hour weekly radio broadcast features interviews with persons known for their strong commitment to life.

More from Choose Life Radio

Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 8

Chad and Nicole Salle

Chad and Nicole’s story is one of love and challenges. As a graduating high school senior, Chad realized his girlfriend—two years his junior—was pregnant. How God worked in their lives and the incredibly significant role the pregnancy played, bears testimony to the fact—all life is sacred. It wasn’t easy. But God “showed up” in a marvelous way and brought them to Himself. Be encouraged my friend!

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, January 26

Jessica Schmitt

Jessica recently shared the challenges associated with her two Meckel-Gruber Syndrome pregnancies. While there were pressures on her and her husband to abort, they were also surrounded by medical personnel, friends and family who provided spiritual and emotional support. There simply wasn’t time to consider these interactions and how they helped sustain the family before and after the births. Jessica shares how these persons impacted them.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 22

Linda Kidder

Linda’s story is probably like many of ours. As a child, teenager and even young adult—she visualized God as an angry father. No matter how much she tried—she failed. In the midst of that perceived failure and rebellion—she became a teenage mom. It was then she began to experience God in a totally different way. Listen and share in Linda’s incredible journey to spiritual wholeness. Listen here soon.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 21


Rick is Vice President for Engagement At Lifeline Children’s Services. His responsibilities include leading initiatives to connect families, churches and communities to care for vulnerable children worldwide. He is committed to adoption, care for orphans and ministry to families. Rick provides a much-needed look at the global orphan crisis. He believes—as does Choose Life Radio—the Church should be playing an impacting role in the world of adoption.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 17

Jessica Schmitt

Jessica recently shared the challenges associated with her two Meckel-Gruber Syndrome pregnancies. While there were pressures on her and her husband to abort, they were also surrounded by medical personnel, friends and family who provided spiritual and emotional support. There simply wasn’t time to in the first interview to consider these interactions and how they helped sustain the family before and after the births. Today Jessica shares how these persons impacted their lives. We can learn from this. Listen here now.

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