Did God Inspire His Word but Not Preserve It? » Audio Archive » Core Christianity

Core Christianity

Christian talk radio with Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier


Broadcast Episode

November 02, 2023

Did God Inspire His Word but Not Preserve It?

In this episode, Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer questions from callers. The first caller asks if James 2:17 is saying that works play a role in salvation. The second caller wants to know how to explain that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. The third caller is looking for advice on what to do if their pastor is ignoring their call to be a minister. The fourth caller is looking for advice on how to share their faith with people in their community. The fifth caller is looking for advice on how to protect their kids from increased violence and pornography. Adriel and Bill provide helpful answers to each of these questions.

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About Core Christianity

Core Christianity was a broadcast that used a Q&A format to answer Bible and theology questions. Although they no longer have a daily broadcast, these past broadcast audio episodes from Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier, can give you valuable insight into Scriptural questions that can deepen your knowledge and understanding of God's Word.

Core Christianity was a broadcast that used a Q&A format to answer Bible and theology questions. Although they no longer have a daily broadcast, these past broadcast audio episodes from Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier, can give you valuable insight into Scriptural questions that can deepen your knowledge and understanding of God's Word.

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