What Is The Bible? » Audio Archive » Core Christianity

Core Christianity

Christian talk radio with Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier



Friday, January 17

What Is The Bible?

In God’s general revelation (creation), his breath formed the universe. In his special revelation (Scripture), God’s breath wrote a story.

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About Core Christianity

Core Christianity was a broadcast that used a Q&A format to answer Bible and theology questions. Although they no longer have a daily broadcast, these past broadcast audio episodes from Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier, can give you valuable insight into Scriptural questions that can deepen your knowledge and understanding of God's Word.

Core Christianity was a broadcast that used a Q&A format to answer Bible and theology questions. Although they no longer have a daily broadcast, these past broadcast audio episodes from Pastor Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier, can give you valuable insight into Scriptural questions that can deepen your knowledge and understanding of God's Word.

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Pursuing Sexual Holiness

In an environment that treats sex cheaply and without proper guardrails, it is important for Christians to think biblically about how God calls his people to pursue sexual holiness for his glory and their benefit.

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Monday, February 3

You Need a Biblical View of Humanity {Belgic Confession, Article 14}

A biblical anthropology both affirms man’s good creation and makes sense of the evil in the world and the darkness within us. And it can prepare us to believe the gospel which gives us eternal life.

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Friday, January 31

What Is the Gospel?

What Jesus accomplished for all who believe is not just re-entrance into the blessing of God’s presence, but a return to the blessed way of righteous living according to God’s law.

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Wednesday, January 29

Christian Liberty or Church Unity?

Today, individualism and the prioritization of personal liberty have eroded communal unity in many churches. Perhaps a revised version of the saying would better reflect the biblical ideal: “In essentials, we will die; in non-essentials, we will sacrifice; in all things, we will love.”

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Monday, January 27

The Beauty of Providence {Belgic Confession, Article 13}

Providence doesn’t depend on your response. But your response to providence can radically change your outlook on life.

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