Worldly Wealth for Heavenly Good » Audio Archive » Cornerstone Connection

Cornerstone Connection

Christian talk radio with Gary Hamrick


Broadcast Episode

September 04, 2024

Worldly Wealth for Heavenly Good

Explore the teachings and parables of Jesus, specifically focusing on His lessons about money and material possessions. The Bible contains over 2,000 verses on these topics, and Jesus addressed them frequently, with 16 out of His 38 parables dedicated to them. The reason? God cares deeply about the heart and what it loves. If you want to know what someone loves the most, observe where they spend their money. God's goal isn't to take your possessions but to ensure your heart isn't consumed by them. Dive into Luke 16, where Jesus discusses the proper use of wealth and possessions, emphasizing the importance of using worldly resources for heavenly purposes and warning against the potential idolatry of loving material things more than God. Discover the wisdom in managing God's resources effectively and avoiding the extremes of prosperity and poverty gospels. Learn practical advice on financial stewardship and understand the consequences of mismanagement. Reflect on the perspective that being materially wealthy by global standards necessitates responsible and godly stewardship. Finally, catch insightful principles about using wealth wisely, learning from Jesus' parables that money isn't evil but should be managed in a way that honors God.

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About Cornerstone Connection

Cornerstone Connection is the radio ministry of Gary Hamrick, pastor of Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA. It is Pastor Gary’s desire to teach God’s Word in a practical, relevant way that reaches listeners with the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ.

Cornerstone Connection is the radio ministry of Gary Hamrick, pastor of Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA. It is Pastor Gary’s desire to teach God’s Word in a practical, relevant way that reaches listeners with the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ.

More from Cornerstone Connection

Broadcast Episode


The Judgment to Come: A Journey Through Faith and Righteousness

The message focuses on the themes of judgment, righteousness, and self-control as discussed within the context of the biblical narrative of Acts. The speaker reflects on the fear and reluctance of figures like Felix to confront their spiritual state, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's sinful nature to fully appreciate the need for salvation through Jesus. The concept of judgment is explored in detail, with the assertion that while everyone will be judged, those who have faith in Christ will experience a judgment of rewards rather than condemnation. The message also underlines that believers are judged at the time of salvation, with Christ’s righteousness imputed to them, and their only "judgment" being related to rewards for their earthly faithfulness. The speaker urges listeners not to delay their decision for Christ, highlighting that the choice to accept salvation should not be postponed. This narrative serves as a reminder that the same spirit that empowered the early church continues to work today, encouraging the sharing of Jesus’ love and message.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

Righteousness, Self-Control, and the Judgment to Come

Explore the theme of righteousness and humanity's need for it, delving into the ways God evaluates and assesses the human condition. Humans are inherently sinful, born into a state of unrighteousness, making it impossible to achieve God's standard on their own. The Gospel message emphasizes that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice on the cross cleanses from all sin. This teaching focuses on the apostle Paul's bold proclamation of this message amidst opposition, as he navigates trials and confrontations in the Book of Acts. Specifically, the account of Paul, arrested for his protection in Jerusalem, highlights the tension between Jewish leaders and Paul's teachings on faith in Christ over adherence to the law. As Paul is transported to Caesarea to stand trial before governor Felix and his wife Drusilla, the narrative unfolds with themes of righteousness, self-control, and the impending judgment. The teaching challenges individuals to recognize their fallen state and the necessity of a savior, while exploring the transformative power of faith in Christ.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

Courage in the Storm: Trusting God's Plan

Explore the themes of perseverance and faith as you journey through Acts, a narrative that captures the early Church's growth and the transformative influence of the Holy Spirit. Witness the boldness of the apostles as they spread the Gospel, highlighting God's ability to use ordinary individuals for extraordinary purposes. Through hardship and trials, the narrative reminds us that fulfilling God's call often requires courage amidst challenges. The message encourages trust in God's timing and plan, emphasizing that success is measured by faithfulness rather than outcomes. The Spirit that empowered the early Church continues to guide us today, prompting us to share Jesus's love and message.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

Take Courage: Paul's Trial and Triumph in Acts

The message focuses on the latter chapters of the book of Acts, highlighting the life and mission of the Apostle Paul as he spreads the gospel in the first century A. D. Paul faced hostility from the Jewish community, particularly in Jerusalem, due to his preaching that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ rather than adherence to the law. Despite being attacked and brought before the Jewish ruling council, the Sanhedrin, Paul cleverly defends his faith by exploiting theological differences between the Pharisees and Sadducees. Paul's journey underscores the challenges Christians face when sharing their faith, met with both belief and opposition. Encouragement is drawn from the story of Jesus appearing to Paul, urging him to take courage despite adversity. The narrative parallels the struggles and dedication of early Christians with the present-day mission of believers to share their faith and extend love to others.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Awakened Conscience: Discovering God's Love Through Conviction

Delve into the teachings of Acts, exploring the nature and functioning of the conscience from a biblical perspective. A tender conscience is considered a vital internal guide, aiding in distinguishing right from wrong, while reflecting one's relationship with God. Ignoring the Holy Spirit's conviction can lead to a seared conscience, a state where sensitivity to moral guidance is lost. This reflection promotes the nurturing of a good and pure conscience by staying close to God, maintaining a vigilant and repentant heart, and appreciating the role of conscience as a divine gift. It underscores the significance of responding to spiritual inclinations, fostering a clear conscience before God and humanity. This serves as a reminder of God's unwavering love and guidance, encouraging the faithful to live honorably and heed spiritual conviction.

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