A Bright Future For Kids » Audio Archive » Encounter – Special Edition

Encounter – Special Edition

Christian talk radio with Chris Meikel


Broadcast Episode

December 04, 2024

A Bright Future For Kids

Solomon Dabe, the founder and Executive Director of A Bright Future For Kids, is the guest on this Special Encounter. It's a ministry that desires to end child poverty in Africa, focusing on Ethiopia and Kenya, by educating families in sustainable methods of self-support, centered around the enduring notion of God's faithfulness. Solomon talks with Chris Meikel about how they are bringing hope to those in these poverty-stricken areas and sharing the gospel and the love of Christ. Learn more on this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network.

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About Encounter – Special Edition

Special Encounter, hosted by Bott Radio Network's Chris Meikel, includes discussions with a variety of guests about topics of interest and importance to the Christian community.

Special Encounter, hosted by Bott Radio Network's Chris Meikel, includes discussions with a variety of guests about topics of interest and importance to the Christian community.

More from Encounter – Special Edition

Broadcast Episode


Aro - Digital Fast

What is a Digital Fast? We’ll find out on this Special Encounter when Chris Meikel visits with Joey Odom, co-founder of Aro. The faith community should be at the forefront of cultural change when it comes to technology. And as churches embrace the Digital Fast, they see members of their congregations overcoming digital distraction, fostering deeper relational connections and seeing an enhancement in spiritual devotion. Find out all the details about this 28-day challenge on this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 31

Found and Woven

Found & Woven provides both in-person and online services for individuals suffering from the trauma of an abortion experience. They are dedicated to walking with their clients through their pain and grief, helping them find hope and healing in a safe and confidential environment. Executive Director Renae Kitchin talks about how Found & Woven is reaching more and more hurting and lonely hearts with the message that there is hope after abortion. Chris Meikel leads the conversation on this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network. www.foundandwoven.com

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 29

Care Net

Roland Warren is the guest on this Special Encounter. He is the CEO of Care Net, a pro abundant life ministry. Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. Roland is also the author of the book, “The Alternative to Abortion: Why We Must Be Pro Abundant Life.” Listen for his enlightening words during this discussion with Chris Meikel on this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network. www.care-net.org

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, January 24

Storling Dance Theater’s “Underground”

Storling Dance Theater’s “Underground” will be presented with performances on February 7th at the Kauffman Center For The Performing Arts. This Kansas City tradition marks the 18th annual performance in the telling of the story of the Underground Railroad, using dance to remind people of the historic moment when good people came together to overcome the evil of their day. Jeremiah Enna joins Chris Meikel to talk about the production that the Kansas City Star said “without a doubt one of the most vivid, heartfelt, and theatrically astute pieces of dance theatre ever to grace a Kansas City stage.” It’s on this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 22

Family Life’s Weekend to Remember

Ed and Amy Uszynski join Chris Meikel on this Special Encounter to talk about Family Life’s Weekend to Remember. The weekend is designed to share a recipe for oneness that Family Life has spent four decades crafting, as you and your spouse take the time to connect in a relaxed and fun environment. Over the course of the Weekend to Remember, you’ll walk through tried and true building blocks for a lasting marriage and receive the best tips, tricks, and tools. But the secret sauce is really in looking at what God says about marriage and the love you were created for. Find out if the Weekend To Remember is right for you and your spouse as you listen to this Special Encounter on Bott Radio Network.

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