John Bornschein: The Legacy of a Life Saved from Abortion » Audio Archive » Family Talk

Family Talk

Christian talk radio with Dr. James Dobson


Broadcast Episode

November 08, 2023

John Bornschein: The Legacy of a Life Saved from Abortion

Psalm 139 proclaims that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our loving heavenly Father. All human life should be cherished and protected, especially in a mother's womb. On today's edition of Family Talk, Pastor John Bornschein shares his moving testimony with Dr. James Dobson about how he is alive today because God intervened in his mother's decision, prompting her to choose life instead of abortion. Discover how prayer and the hope of Jesus not only saved John's life, but also redeemed his family.

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About Family Talk

For the past four decades, Dr. James Dobson has been a leading advocate for family values, strengthening marriage and parenting. Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk is a program with a purpose: “To help preserve and promote the institution of the family and the biblical principles on which it is based and to seek to introduce as many people as possible to the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk provides sound biblical advice for Christian marriages, families and parenting.

For the past four decades, Dr. James Dobson has been a leading advocate for family values, strengthening marriage and parenting. Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk is a program with a purpose: “To help preserve and promote the institution of the family and the biblical principles on which it is based and to seek to introduce as many people as possible to the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk provides sound biblical advice for Christian marriages, families and parenting.

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Broadcast Episode


A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - I

On September 11, 2001, our beloved country experienced a horrific terrorist attack that claimed the lives of nearly 3, 000 people. On that day, Dr. Steve Scheibner was scheduled to co-pilot American Airlines flight 11, the first plane that crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, but his assignment was changed at the last minute. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews Dr. Steve and his wife, Megan, to talk about their experience on that horrendous day.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, September 10

The Eclipse of God - II

According to Dr. Erwin Lutzer, the great task of the Church is to evangelize, and this is why politics are important in America, so we can accomplish the first task of the Church. On today’s edition of Family Talk, join Gary Bauer as he concludes his inspiring discussion with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his book, The Eclipse of God. Revitalize your faith as Dr. Lutzer challenges us with his heartfelt plea to come back to the God of the Bible. The God who hates sin and rescues us from our iniquities through His son, Jesus Christ!

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, September 9

The Eclipse of God - I

Many would not refute that our country has become unrecognizable and that our culture is unraveling before our eyes. Today on Family Talk, Gary Bauer talks with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, author and pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, about his latest book, The Eclipse of God: Our Nation’s Disastrous Search for a More Inclusive Deity (And What We Must Do About It.) Dr. Lutzer explains that we need a fresh vision of who God is and not the God we just wish He was. Isaiah 5:20 says, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Because you care about our nation and standing up for the truth of the Bible, you won’t want to miss this critical discussion!

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, September 6

Homeschooling Today - II

Too many parents are under the impression that education is simply reading, writing, and arithmetic. On today's edition of Family Talk, Jay and Heidi St. John, who have homeschooled their seven kids, declare that education is never neutral! Dr. James Dobson concludes his discussion with the St. Johns, founders of Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center. They insist that there is always a worldview being taught, but is it one with integrity and honor? In Luke 6:40, Jesus said, "Everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher." That is why Heidi wants to equip her kids with a biblical worldview, so they know why they believe what they believe.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, September 5

Homeschooling Today - I

No one knows your kids better than you do, so who better to teach them? Maybe you don’t think of yourself as a teacher and the thought of homeschooling sounds too difficult. Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson talks with Jay and Heidi St. John, who homeschooled their seven kids and founded Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center. They share three keys to a successful schooling model: flexibility, the one-on-one tutorial model, and a vision of Christian discipleship. The results? On average, kids who are homeschooled test three grade levels higher than their public school peers.

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