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October 24, 2020

Children, Parents, and School During a Pandemic

How do you make decisions for educating your children in the midst of a Pandemic? It depends on so many factors, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Hear how three moms, Tracy Lane, Gina Flood, and Shannon Simmons, who come from different backgrounds, and live in different parts of the country, came to different decisions for educating each of their children.

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Sharing the Gospel Through Music

Life can take many twists and turns through dark times and unexpected tragedies. But we can rest assured knowing there is nothing that happens outside of God’s knowledge and His purposeful plan. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Roger Marsh interviews Steele Croswhite, a singer/songwriter, pastor and leader of the Christian worship band, The Rock Music Group. Steele explains how his pursuit of fame and fortune through music not only led him far from the Christian life he was brought up in, but ironically, it was worship music that rescued his empty, hurting soul.

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Broadcast Episode


Helping Your Child Develop Resilience – II

As a parent, you hope your children will grow to be resilient and confident about the future. Kathy Koch will give you insight on how to build a framework for instilling resilient character in your childcharacter that will aid them as they walk through life.

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Broadcast Episode


Bold Proclaimers of Gospel Truth (#1)

How do you live a life pleasing to God in this fallen world? That’s a difficult question . . . but the Bible gives clear instructions . . . and you need to stay focused on what your responsibilities are as a believer in Jesus Christ.

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Broadcast Episode


An Interlude: Earthly Restraint and Heavenly Worship, Part 2

Amid apocalyptic unraveling on earth, the apostle John sees reason for rejoicing in his vision, recorded in Revelation 7: 117. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores this grace-filled reprieve, showcasing a delay in judgments and the sealing of the servants of God. You’ll be inspired by the scene of saints hailing from every nation, tribe, and language uniting in praise and worship. Take time to dwell on God’s promise to believers for vindication and eternal peace in heaven. Christ promises to wipe every tear from our eyes.

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Broadcast Episode


Developing Patience - Part 2

Will you trust God to turn your difficulties into opportunities to develop patience?

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