Dating or Engaged–with Purpose: Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon » Audio Archive » FamilyLife Today

FamilyLife Today

Christian talk radio with Dave and Ann Wilson


Broadcast Episode

September 27, 2023

Dating or Engaged–with Purpose: Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon

Want to do relationships differently? Authors Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon point you in the right direction for dating, engagement, or marriage with purpose and depth. I didn't realize how absent-minded I was until I got married, when there was another person counting on me. (Laughter) I remember one time I thought, “I'm going to help make the spaghetti.” This was in the first three months of marriage. I'm in there stirring the spaghetti, thinking “Look at me. I'm such a great husband!” Then my wife comes in after me. This still happens today. She looked up, and there was spaghetti sauce on the ceiling. - Spencer Harmon

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About FamilyLife Today

FamilyLife is passionate about helping families pursue the relationships that matter most. Hosted by Dave and Ann Wilson the daily FamilyLife Today® program offers practical help and biblical hope for the challenges facing today’s families—all in a setting that is candid, honest and entertaining too.

FamilyLife is passionate about helping families pursue the relationships that matter most. Hosted by Dave and Ann Wilson the daily FamilyLife Today® program offers practical help and biblical hope for the challenges facing today’s families—all in a setting that is candid, honest and entertaining too.

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