Larry Fowler
The Founder and CEO of the Legacy Coalition, Larry Fowler, talks with Wayne Shepherd about helping grandparents have a greater spiritual impact on their families.
The Founder and CEO of the Legacy Coalition, Larry Fowler, talks with Wayne Shepherd about helping grandparents have a greater spiritual impact on their families.
First Person with Wayne Shepherd is a weekly radio program created out of a simple desire to pass along the stories of people who have found their purpose and calling in life through faith in Jesus Christ. These interviews provide listeners with an opportunity to hear personal testimonies and learn how God works through people to build His Kingdom.
First Person with Wayne Shepherd is a weekly radio program created out of a simple desire to pass along the stories of people who have found their purpose and calling in life through faith in Jesus Christ. These interviews provide listeners with an opportunity to hear personal testimonies and learn how God works through people to build His Kingdom.
Dr. O. S. Hawkins joins Wayne Shepherd in conversation about his book The Connection Code, a study of the Bible's book of Philemon and its focus on healthy relationships. (click for more) O. S. Hawkins, a native of Fort Worth, Texas, is Chancellor and Senior Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the former pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and is President Emeritus of GuideStone Financial Resources, the world’s largest Christian-screened mutual fund serving 250, 000 church workers and Christian university personnel with an asset base exceeding twenty billion dollars, where he served as President/CEO from 1997-2022. Hawkins is the author of more than 50 books, including the best-selling Joshua Code and the entire Code series of devotionals He preaches in churches and conferences across the nation. He is married to his wife, Susie, and has two daughters, two sons-in-law, and six grandchildren.
Bria Blessing, a young, American woman, talks with Wayne Shepherd about her singing ministry, including many trips to Ukraine where she sings for Ukrainian troops and others. Bria was born in America, but spent significant years in Lviv, Ukraine as a member of a missionary family where she developed a love for the country and its people. Her music is songs of joy & hope, and always point to the Source of all joy & hope, Jesus Christ. In 2014, Bria was an invited contestant on the Ukrainian version of "The Voice" and as a result became a favorite of the Ukrainian people.
A Jewish believer in Jesus as Messiah, Larry Feldman, joins Wayne Shepherd in conversation about his life story and the Messianic congregation he leads in California. Rabbi Larry, was raised in a Conservative Jewish home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . He came to faith in Yeshua, the Messiah, after receiving his B. A. in Psychology from Temple University in 1970, whereupon he felt the calling of God to prepare for service in full-time ministry. He attended the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois , and received a diploma in the Advanced Studies Program in 1974. He led a Messianic congregation in Brooklyn, New York for the next five years. In 1979, he enrolled at the Dallas Theological Seminary where he received a Master of Theology degree in Semitic Languages and Old Testament Studies. Larry has founded six Messianic congregations, including Shuvah Yisrael and he currently lives in Irvine with his wife, Fran.
What are you trusting God for in 2025? Wayne Shepherd talks with Dr. Bill Thrasher about how to approach the year ahead in expectation of what God will do in and through you.
While in Kyiv, Ukraine, Ed Cannon and Igor Sereda talk with Wayne Shepherd about FEBC's radio ministry in that war-torn country. (click for more). Ed is President of the Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) and Igor is an on-air host for Radio M which is FEBC's Ukraine ministry. Radio M is heard on several radio stations throughout the country and also operates a counseling ministry, helping Ukrainians spiritually as they endure another winter of war. For more reports, listen for the podcast UNTIL ALL HAVE HEARD found on many podcast portals and at FEBC. org.