Seeing the Funny Side of Life » Audio Archive » Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly


Broadcast Episode

March 10, 2023

Seeing the Funny Side of Life

So, could you use a laugh? Comedian Kenn Kington will share some observational humor about marriage and family. Tune in to hear stories about Kenn’s wife Heather, the messy joy of having three kids, and the challenges of air travel. Your spirits will be lifted!

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About Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

More from Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Broadcast Episode


Overcoming Busyness to Focus on God and Family

So, how busy is YOUR life? British author and family advocate Katharine Hill shares how to slow down and appreciate every moment that you’re given here on earth. Learn how to create space, begin some healthy habitsand be interruptible.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, October 12

Getting on the Same Page Financially in Marriage & Remembering the Hope of Heaven

Chuck and Ann Bentley argued for many years about finances. But when Chuck repented of his love of money, their marriage began to thrive. The Bentleys will share 7 Keys to help you get on the same team with your spouse, financially and spiritually. Also, have you ever wondered what heaven will be like? What if you could get a glimpse? John Burke relates stories from people of all walks of life who have had near-death experiences. He shares their reports of a beautiful, light-filled place where they encountered Jesus. Discover the comfort and hope of the eternal life that God promises us.

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Friday, October 11

What Do I Tell My Kids About The Election?

What do I tell my kids about the election? Use these hands-on ways to teach children about the election process.

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Friday, October 11

The Hidden Traps of Wicca

As Christian parents, we need to know what Wicca is and God's perspective.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, October 11

Sharing God’s Light Through Art

Morgan Weistling believed art was his god until God reminded him where his talent came from! We’ll introduce you to this award-winning painter who gave his life - and art - to Jesus. Hear about the miracles he’s experienced ever since!

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