Dennis Quaid: Lessons from the Christian Faith and Ronald Reagan » Audio Archive » Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Christian talk radio with Jim Daly



August 26

Dennis Quaid: Lessons from the Christian Faith and Ronald Reagan

Dennis Quaid is well-recognized for his numerous roles in Hollywood films the past several decades. In his latest film, he portrays a beloved American hero, President Ronald Reagan. He'll discuss what he learned from Reagan about being a winsome peacemaker and the important role of faith in the president's life. He'll also share about his own personal faith in Christ and how it guides him in today's turbulent culture.

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About Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

Hosted by Jim Daly, President and CEO of Focus on the Family, this half-hour program is the cornerstone of Focus on the Family's home-strengthening outreach. Focus on the Family provides biblically-based advice for marriage and parenting with heart-touching stories and help for families.

More from Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Broadcast Episode


Five Ways to Grow Closer as a Couple

If you want to transform your good marriage into a great marriage, we have some wonderful help for you! Greg and Erin Smalley join Jim and Jean Daly to discuss five ways to communicate better, navigate conflict, and improve intimacy in your relationship!

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Friday, November 29

Tech Trends: Should I Get My Kid a Phone for Christmas?

Should I get my kid a phone? Kids as young as eight are begging for a smartphone for Christmas. Here's a guide by age to help you decide

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Friday, November 29

How To Avoid Holiday Stress This Christmas

Holiday stress can turn couples away from each other, so plan now to avoid the stressors and be more connected this season.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, November 29

Unwrapping the Real Christmas

Christmas is it a time of Peace on Earth? Or too much Holly-Jolly-ness? British evangelist Jay-John brings touching reminders of the true meaning of this holiest of seasons.

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Thursday, November 28

Tech Use, and Our Kids’ Dating Lives

Smartphones have given us access to the world. But, is that good or bad? Jim Daly and David Murrow explain some of the negative ways technology has given us too much power as people. Plus, Danny and John share how technology can impact your children's dating lives, and how to have good discussions with them about that topic.

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