“Adoring God for Our Eternal Inheritance, Part 2” (#1)
John takes you on a detailed study of 1 Peter chapter 1, showing you some amazing truths about your eternal inheritance in Christ.
John takes you on a detailed study of 1 Peter chapter 1, showing you some amazing truths about your eternal inheritance in Christ.
Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr. is heard throughout North America and around the world on Grace to You, an outstanding Bible-teaching outreach. The program is based on sermons from the pulpit of Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California.
Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr. is heard throughout North America and around the world on Grace to You, an outstanding Bible-teaching outreach. The program is based on sermons from the pulpit of Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California.
From disease to crime to natural disasters to war . . . and to death itself . . . we’re living in a broken world, to be sure. So if God is goodand He is goodthen why would He allow such suffering? In particular, why does He allow His children to face such trials?
Maybe you know someone recently lost his job or his home. Maybe someone in your church is mourning the death of a loved one. Maybe you’re struggling with a painful hardship right now. Have you ever wondered how there could be any good purpose for the trials that you and others face?
When life heats up and it seems as though it’s just one difficulty after another, where can you find the strength to overcome discouragement, persevere in your faith, and actually grow from those hardships?
When you face difficultyfrom day-to-day hassles to major tragedieshow does God equip you to not merely get through the trials but to actually thrive . . . and even experience deep joy? Is that even possible?
It’s easy to believe that God is good when life is going well . . . when you have money in the bank . . . and your health is good . . . and your family is thriving. But what about when tragedy strikes?