Unshakable Faith – Part 2 » Audio Archive » In Touch

In Touch

Christian talk radio with Charles Stanley


Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 21

Unshakable Faith - Part 2

Have you ever faced issues such as an angry boss, a financial problem, or a physical illness?

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About In Touch

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church. Dr. Stanley’s teachings have given us a firm foundation to develop ministry leaders and reach the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Touch Ministries are constantly seeking new ways to spread the good news and are here to support you as you grow closer to the Lord each day.

In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church. Dr. Stanley’s teachings have given us a firm foundation to develop ministry leaders and reach the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Touch Ministries are constantly seeking new ways to spread the good news and are here to support you as you grow closer to the Lord each day.

More from In Touch

Broadcast Episode


The Disciple and the World

Gain the courage to be set apart from the ways of the world and follow God faithfully.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

Our Rewards - Part 2

God has not forgotten our hard work, and He doesn't overlook the service we do.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

Our Rewards - Part 1

Learn what role rewards play in our walk with Christ.

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Wednesday, February 12

The Call to Serve

We proclaim our love for Christ through our service to one another.

Listen to This Podcast

Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

The Keys to Success - Part 2

Dr. Stanley explains that servanthood isn't something we do, but something God does through us.

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