Preparation for a Tough Job, Part 2 » Audio Archive » Insight for Living

Insight for Living

Christian talk radio with Chuck Swindoll


Broadcast Episode

October 20, 2023

Preparation for a Tough Job, Part 2

Who hasn't had an imperfect supervisor, manager, teacher, or coach? Nehemiah knew that, even though God was the ultimate authority, he served under a pagan king. Nehemiah wanted nothing more than to return to Jerusalem, but he served under the difficult King Artaxerxes. So how did Nehemiah ultimately get the king to yield to his request? Prayer and patience. Take heart as Pastor Chuck Swindoll demonstrates through Nehemiah 2:11 that, even though someone else calls the shots, God is still in charge!

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About Insight for Living

A 30-minute daily feature "committed to excellence in communicating Biblical truth and its application," Insight for Living has received tremendous response from across the country and around the world since its inception in 1977. Insight features the practical Bible teaching of best-selling author Chuck Swindoll. Chuck's forthright teaching style hits listeners "right where they live."

A 30-minute daily feature "committed to excellence in communicating Biblical truth and its application," Insight for Living has received tremendous response from across the country and around the world since its inception in 1977. Insight features the practical Bible teaching of best-selling author Chuck Swindoll. Chuck's forthright teaching style hits listeners "right where they live."

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Broadcast Episode


Surprised by God, Part 1

Have you ever been surprised by the will of God in your life? Perhaps your life has not gone how you planned or even imagined, and you find yourself disheartened, embittered, or confused. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he examines God’s surprising plans in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, and David. God’s preferred method of surprise requires adaptability and a thoughtful evaluation of Him at work in our lives. Expect surprises. Remember God’s sufficient grace in the unexpected. And embrace it all as God’s will for your good and His glory.

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Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 7

Can God’s Will Make Us Holy?, Part 2

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory (Isaiah 6:3). Isaiah’s words rightly magnify our holy God. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he discusses God’s holiness, the gift of holiness for believers, and a believer’s calling to pursue the same. Like Isaiah, fall before your holy God in awe of His majesty. Let His holiness propel you toward a life set apart and lived for His glory.

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 6

Can God’s Will Make Us Holy?, Part 1

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory (Isaiah 6: 3). Isaiah’s words rightly magnify our holy God. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he discusses God’s holiness, the gift of holiness for believers, and a believer’s calling to pursue the same. Like Isaiah, fall before your holy God in awe of His majesty. Let His holiness propel you toward a life set apart and lived for His glory.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 5

God’s Mysterious Immutability, Part 2

Even in his desperate lament over Israel’s sin and destruction, Jeremiah clung to the hope he expressed in Lamentations 3:22-23: The Lord’s mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness! Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll discuss how God’s immutability and faithfulness work in tandem. Discover the unchanging nature of God. Learn to trust in God’s nearness and faithfulness with each new morning’s mercy. No matter what you are going through, God offers hope!

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 4

God’s Mysterious Immutability, Part 1

Even in his desperate lament over Israel’s sin and destruction, Jeremiah clung to the hope he expressed in Lamentations 3:22-23: The Lord’s mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness! Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll discuss how God’s immutability and faithfulness work in tandem. Discover the unchanging nature of God. Learn to trust in God’s nearness and faithfulness with each new morning’s mercy. No matter what you are going through, God offers hope!

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