Fleshing Out the Will of God, Part 2 » Audio Archive » Insight for Living

Insight for Living

Christian talk radio with Chuck Swindoll


Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 21

Fleshing Out the Will of God, Part 2

The famous hall of faith in Hebrews 11 presents the lives of biblical characters who followed God’s will. Their faith led to action and obedience. Tune in to hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll discuss how Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham walked with God. They followed His plans, putting aside their own wishes. Learn how to release your desires and risk much to follow God. Leave the familiar and comfortable to radically obey God’s will with compelling faith.

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About Insight for Living

A 30-minute daily feature "committed to excellence in communicating Biblical truth and its application," Insight for Living has received tremendous response from across the country and around the world since its inception in 1977. Insight features the practical Bible teaching of best-selling author Chuck Swindoll. Chuck's forthright teaching style hits listeners "right where they live."

A 30-minute daily feature "committed to excellence in communicating Biblical truth and its application," Insight for Living has received tremendous response from across the country and around the world since its inception in 1977. Insight features the practical Bible teaching of best-selling author Chuck Swindoll. Chuck's forthright teaching style hits listeners "right where they live."

More from Insight for Living

Broadcast Episode

Friday, February 14

A Better Way to Look at God’s Will, Part 1

God’s not after our comfort. He desires to conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ, which is often a lifelong task. Listen to Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s teaching through Job and Romans 8 to sharpen your theological thinking. As you face life’s unexpected circumstances, remember and trust that in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8: 28).

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Broadcast Episode

Thursday, February 13

Closed Doors, Open Doors, Part 2

Have you ever thought you were following God’s will only to arrive at a closed door? For many, closed doors can lead to disappointment or disillusionment. Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities. Accept closed doors with patience, humility, and peace. Trust in the Lord’s sovereign hand and ability to see the bigger picture. Walk through that open door with confidence.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, February 12

Closed Doors, Open Doors, Part 1

Have you ever thought you were following God’s will only to arrive at a closed door? For many, closed doors can lead to disappointment or disillusionment. Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities. Accept closed doors with patience, humility, and peace. Trust in the Lord’s sovereign hand and ability to see the bigger picture. Walk through that open door with confidence.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 11

Surprised by God, Part 2

Have you ever been surprised by the will of God in your life? Perhaps your life has not gone how you planned or even imagined, and you find yourself disheartened, embittered, or confused. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he examines God’s surprising plans in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, and David. God’s preferred method of surprise requires adaptability and a thoughtful evaluation of Him at work in our lives. Expect surprises. Remember God’s sufficient grace in the unexpected. And embrace it all as God’s will for your good and His glory.

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Broadcast Episode

Monday, February 10

Surprised by God, Part 1

Have you ever been surprised by the will of God in your life? Perhaps your life has not gone how you planned or even imagined, and you find yourself disheartened, embittered, or confused. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he examines God’s surprising plans in the lives of Abraham, Joseph, and David. God’s preferred method of surprise requires adaptability and a thoughtful evaluation of Him at work in our lives. Expect surprises. Remember God’s sufficient grace in the unexpected. And embrace it all as God’s will for your good and His glory.

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