Christmas Celebrations part 3
Mike Fichter of Indiana Right to Life promoted their upcoming Pro-Life Christmas Gala.
Mike Fichter of Indiana Right to Life promoted their upcoming Pro-Life Christmas Gala.
Life and Faith Indiana is produced at WFCV in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is designed to inform our listeners of ministries and people that are making a difference for the Kingdom.
Life and Faith Indiana is produced at WFCV in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is designed to inform our listeners of ministries and people that are making a difference for the Kingdom.
Cathie Humbarger with the Coalition for a Better Allen County addressed alternate methods being used in the Indiana General Assembly by those who have tried to bring a casino to the Fort Wayne area.
Dan Baker with Northeast Indiana FCA promoted their fundraising Rally.
Lisa and Mike Davis of Deeper Still Northern Indiana described their plans for 2025.
Cathie Humbarger with Citizens for a Better Allen County briefly addressed the progress they've made (so far) in preventing a casino from relocating to Allen County.
Becky Williamson promoted the 52nd annual Fort Wayne Home & Garden Show.