Age of the Universe » Audio Archive » Life and Faith Indiana

Life and Faith Indiana

Christian talk radio with Scott Kump


Broadcast Episode

January 06

Age of the Universe

Creation Scientist Dr. Ben Scripture of Scripture On Creation shared some correspondence he had with another creationist who challenged Dr. Scripture's view of a young universe.

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About Life and Faith Indiana

Life and Faith Indiana is produced at WFCV in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is designed to inform our listeners of ministries and people that are making a difference for the Kingdom.

Life and Faith Indiana is produced at WFCV in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is designed to inform our listeners of ministries and people that are making a difference for the Kingdom.

More from Life and Faith Indiana

Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, February 4

Casino Update

Cathie Humbarger with Citizens for a Better Allen County briefly addressed the progress they've made (so far) in preventing a casino from relocating to Allen County.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 29

Home & Garden Show

Becky Williamson promoted the 52nd annual Fort Wayne Home & Garden Show.

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Broadcast Episode

Tuesday, January 28


Pastor Mark Vincenti of Huntington University promoted their upcoming "Engage" apologetics conference.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, January 25

Children's Programming

Rod Ovitt, Troy Ganser, and Michael Ganser of Fun Farm Studios promoted their series of children's entertainment videos that are designed to teach virtues without the overstimulation common in modern multi-media.

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Broadcast Episode

Wednesday, January 15

Forgotten Children Banquet

Jeff Patterson with Forgotten Children Worldwide promoted their upcoming Banquet and Auction.

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