Holy Spirit: The Power for Living – Part 2 » Audio Archive » Living a Legacy

Living a Legacy

Christian talk radio with Dr. Crawford Loritts


Broadcast Episode

August 25, 2023

Holy Spirit: The Power for Living - Part 2

Series: "Big Rocks" - John 7: 37-39 / As followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit shouldn’t be a distant thought in our minds. He needs to fill us, every day. He needs to be in control of our thoughts and actions. And when we let Him, He provides the power for living.

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About Living a Legacy

Living a Legacy is a weekly Bible teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word. Dr. Loritts is a nationally known Bible speaker, author and is committed to encourage and shape the next generation of leaders.

Living a Legacy is a weekly Bible teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word. Dr. Loritts is a nationally known Bible speaker, author and is committed to encourage and shape the next generation of leaders.

More from Living a Legacy

Broadcast Episode


The Gifts of Tongues and Prophecy - Staying on Track - Part 1

Series: "Spiritual Gifts" - 1 Corinthians 14 / Dr. Crawford Loritts begins his series on "Spiritual Gifts. " He’ll teach about each gift and add clarity to the confusion we sometimes experience within the Body of Christ. This program begins to look at the gifts of “Tongues” and “Prophecy. ”  Donate to Moody Radio: http: //moodyradio. org/donateto/livingalegacy

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, February 1

Should We Choose Who We Love? - Part 2

Series: "Kingdom Living" - John 4: 4 / The true Body of Christ is made up of all races, ethnicities, and nationalities. We are family, brothers and sisters in Christ. We have a common heavenly Father. Unfortunately, some within the Body demonstrate prejudice, arrogance, and pride. Crawford Loritts challenges us to be rid of these attitudes and celebrate our diversity.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, January 25

Should We Choose Who We Love? - Part 1

Series: "Kingdom Living" - John 4: 4 / In recent years, many evangelical churches have attempted to put a focused beam of attention on ethnic diversity within the Body of Christ. Dr. Crawford Loritts addresses this topic in his next message in the series, "Kingdom Living." He's quick to point out that churches focused on diversity should not take their cues from culture but rather follow the model of Christ.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, January 18

Why Do We Serve as Kingdom People? - Part 2

Series: "Kingdom Living" - Titus 2 / Dr. Crawford Loritts takes us to the New Testament book of Titus to consider why we serve as Kingdom people. Part of that service involves reaching out to others and trying to meet needs.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, January 11

Why Do We Serve as Kingdom People? - Part 1

Series: "Kingdom Living" - Titus 2 / Dr. Crawford Loritts takes us to the New Testament book of Titus to consider why we serve as Kingdom people. Do we often make it a point to reach out to others? Do we try to identify needs and attempt to meet them?

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