Call to Courage – Part 2 » Audio Archive » Living a Legacy

Living a Legacy

Christian talk radio with Dr. Crawford Loritts


Broadcast Episode

November 03, 2023

Call to Courage - Part 2

Series: "Be Disciples. Make Disciples." - Joshua 1: 1-11 / Are you biblically and spiritually courageous? Is your faith firmly in God? The Old Testament character Joshua learned how important it was to be courageous. He had to be, taking on the mantle of Moses. His new role required great wisdom and a constant trust in God. What are the lessons we can learn?

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About Living a Legacy

Living a Legacy is a weekly Bible teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word. Dr. Loritts is a nationally known Bible speaker, author and is committed to encourage and shape the next generation of leaders.

Living a Legacy is a weekly Bible teaching program featuring Dr. Crawford Loritts with a goal to bring about spiritual awakening and maturity in the body of Christ through a clear message from God’s Word. Dr. Loritts is a nationally known Bible speaker, author and is committed to encourage and shape the next generation of leaders.

More from Living a Legacy

Broadcast Episode

Saturday, November 9

An Act of Grace - Part 2

Series: "Always Generous" - 2 Cor 8: 1-5 / As followers of Christ, we know that generosity is a word not limited to finances. It is to be the very motivation of our hearts because of what Jesus Christ has done within us. He has given us a new nature, one that reaches out to others to bless them by meeting needs.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, November 2

An Act of Grace - Part 1

Series: "Always Generous"  - 2 Cor 8: 1-5 / Generosity isn’t about money. It’s what’s at the very heart of a generous person. Join us as Dr. Crawford Loritts helps us look in the mirror to examine what’s at the heart of our motivations.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, October 26

In Honor of Life - Part 2

The Bible is clear about the topic of abortion. God values human life, period. To avoid this fact reveals a weakness in one’s view of God. But there’s a warning to those who center on one element of this topic. God’s value of human life far exceeds those who are within the womb. We must show compassion to all who are created in God’s image. In this program, Crawford Loritts unveils four foundational questions which will shed light on God’s insight into the value of human life.

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Broadcast Episode

Saturday, October 19

In Honor of Life - Part 1

In 1973 the United States Supreme Court decision in Roe vrs. Wade made abortion legal in America. In 2022, The Supreme Court reversed that decision. Today the arguments for and against abound. Its time once again to see what God's Word says about it. Join Dr. Crawford Loritts for part 1 of the message, "In Honor of Life."  He'll examine four questions the Bible specifically addresses about abortion.

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Broadcast Episode

Sunday, October 13

Truth Matters - Part 2

Series: "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans" - Romans 16 / This is the final message in Dr. Crawford Loritts' series, "If You Only Knew - A Study of Romans." He suggests that we need to stop reading the Bible from an emotional perspective. He challenges us to become serious students of the Book. We don’t need a Bible college diploma or seminary degree to have a healthy handle on Truth.

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