When God Judges A Nation (The Church In Babylon) » Audio Archive » Moody Church Hour

Moody Church Hour

Christian talk radio with Dr. Philip Miller


Broadcast Episode

January 31, 2021

When God Judges A Nation (The Church In Babylon)

When the cup of iniquity is full, God will pour out His wrath. In the Old Testament, foreign armies invaded and looted Jerusalem, taking the people into captivity. The United States may soon feel that same wrath if we don’t learn the lessons from a nation long ago.

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About Moody Church Hour

Moody Church Hour is the weekly radio outreach of The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

Moody Church Hour is the weekly radio outreach of The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. Philip Miller is the 17th Senior Pastor of The Moody Church. He is committed to cultivating a gospel-centered church that welcomes spiritual explorers, promotes gospel clarity in culturally engaging ways, inspires passionate worship and catalyzes a multiplication movement of gospel renewal both locally and globally.

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Broadcast Episode

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Broadcast Episode

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Broadcast Episode

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Kingdom, Power, and Glory

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Broadcast Episode

January 12

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

We all prefer to avoid life's tests and trials. But Jesus taught us to pray “Lead us not into temptation,” preparing us for those challenges. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explains four ways this prayer guides us through temptation. How do we find our footing when we feel frail and faltering?

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